twenty one

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Those sweet words had me feeling all the positive emotions that I could think of. I didn't think she would agree but Aaliyah always surprised me and surpassed my expectations.

The woman left her mark on me, tainting me and cutting me so deep that it would be difficult to ever forget her.

It was a warm Wednesday afternoon and I was going about my lecture as per usual, I needed to hand everyone's assignments back to them. When I returned to my desk, I sent her a risky text and occasionally glanced in her direction to gauge her reaction.

She gave me a look that went straight to the deepest part of me soul. So captivating, alluring and hypnotic.

Those brown eyes had my head spinning, to the point where I found it difficult to even think straight when she was around me.

Sergio  : Is it bad that I can't stop picturing you bent over my desk?

Aaliyah : Yes, you're supposed to be focused on your lesson. Don't you have any semblance of professionalism?

Sergio : Trust me, the last thing on my mind right now is professionalism.

Aaliyah : Sergio please. Don't make me block you.

Sergio : I know you'd never do such a thing. Tell me, what are you doing this Saturday?

Ten minutes went by with no response from her. Then ten turned into twenty and that transitioned into an hour. At this point I was highly annoyed and extremely agitated because my class ended a couple of minutes ago so why wasn't she responding to me?

I can't remember the last time I looked forward to receiving texts from a woman. I don't think I ever looked forward to this shit. Then Aaliyah enters my life and I find myself behaving like an adolescent boy.

When there was no response and I could feel myself getting worked up so I decided it was time for a distraction. I drowned myself in the administrative part of my job, completing mundane tasks with a frown on my face.

Then when I least expected it, my phone dinged. I hastily picked it up from the desk and unlocked the device.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling when I saw it was a text from Aaliyah but the frown reappeared when I remembered how long she took to respond to me. I couldn't possibly let her know how upset it made me.

But perhaps I'd show her in person.

Aaliyah : I don't have any plans professor, why do you ask?

Sergio : I'm going to pick you up. Wear something pretty.


Aaliyah currently sat in the passenger seat of my car while I drove towards my house. The air between was filled was sexual tension and frustration. The frustration was mostly from my end.

Yesterday there was a little interaction between Aaliyah and another student — Matthew. The man clearly wants to fuck her but she's too naive to notice.

I gripped the steering wheel so hard that my knuckles turned white when I thought about the way that prick looked at her. She must've noticed this because she reached over and placed her hand on my jean covered thigh.

It was the same thing she did when I picked her up the very first time. If only she knew how feral it made me and if she didn't stop I'd crash the damn car.

My grip on the steering wheel loosened when I felt her touch but my shoulders were still tense and stiff. She moved her hand upward towards my zipper and I pulled dead breaks when I saw the traffic light turned red.

Sadistic | 18+Where stories live. Discover now