likes and dislikes

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You are a painter, you love painting.
I am a footballer, I love football.

You never force me to paint or go to your art galleries or auction galas.
You respected the fact that I wasn't in to art as much as you.
You went to my matches and cheered me on even though you hate loud crowds.

But did I treat you the same way? No.

I always drag you to football practices when you had so much work to do.
I forced you to learn football even though I knew you were not the slightest bit interested.
I would invite my teammates over for fifa even when you said you needed peace and quiet to do your art piece.

I'm sorry.

I guess I was too football oriented, as you would say. I was too caught up with what I liked that I hadn't taken your likes and dislikes to consideration.

I'm sorry, liebe.



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