𝗠𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗔𝘀 𝗪𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝗞𝗶𝘀𝘀 𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝗠𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗨𝗽

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"Why do you always do this?!"

"Why do you always do this?!"

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(remember that I gave iida his manga eye color)

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(remember that I gave iida his manga eye color)

A few weeks later

"Does it matter how I got to the fucking answer? It's correct isn't it?!" I yelled back at the boy. We were currently doing math.

"Yes because that's not the correct formula! You skipped 3 steps!" he yelled back.

"The answer is still 25!" I yelled back at the boy.

Our other classmates were just looking at us arguing as always. We decided to study as a class. I and Iida were currently arguing because I got my answer quicker than he did by using a simpler formula.

"This is the way I taught myself! It's been correct every time!" I yelled. The boy slammed his pen down and let out a loud obnoxious sigh. "The test isn't gonna say that!" he said rubbing his temples.

"Fuck you and fuck that test, this is the only way I can do it," I said calmer this time.

I watched as midorya turned his head over to his blonde friend and sighed. Bakugou currently had a shit-eating grin on his face. He was enjoying every second of my and tenya's argument.

"You guys might as well kiss and make up," bakugou said. This obviously ticked iida off.

"Who would ever want to fucking kiss her," he said making his voice sound like he was disgusted. I sighed and stood up. "I'm going to leave before I have to slap the piss out of him," I said.

Mina jumped up to follow me as everyone else watched us leave. We made it to my room and I laid down on my bed.

"Are you okay?" she asked sitting on the bed and rubbing my scalp. I sighed and placed my head on her lap while hugging her waist. "Mhm mhm," I said.

"No?" she said. "No," I said.

"Tell me about it," she said turning on my speaker.

"He's such a dick! He always criticizes me and only me! Everything I do he acts like I'm the most annoying thing to walk the earth! He fucking hates me and I don't know why!" I yelled. The girl hummed and rubbed my scalp more.

I sniffled and the girl suddenly grabbed my face making me sit up. The worry in her eyes made more tears fall from my face. "Sometimes I wonder why I fucking love him," I said as I buried my face into get shoulders. Her eyes widened as she hugged me.

"You like iida?" she whispered. I nodded into her neck and looked into her eyes. She wiped the tears from my face and I began to speak.

"I always have, and I'm so mad," I said. She sighed and rubbed my back. "You're so cute for that," she said with a laugh. I slapped her arm and pouted.

"Maybe stop arguing with him and maybe it can help," she said. I nodded. "Then once you guys stop arguing you guys can figure out why you clash so much," she said. I nodded and we stood up. She leads me to my bathroom and wet up a towel. She wiped my face and we both giggled.

"Blow," she said. I blew my nose and she threw the towel into the dirty clothes basket. We left my room after my eyes were less watery and I took my spot next to iida. He glanced at my face and healed my chin. A look of worry filled his eyes and I looked everywhere but at him.

I felt his thumb go over my eyelashes as he sighed. I felt my heartbeat speed up as he opened his mouth to speak. "I'm sorry," he said softly. I shook my head. "Look at me," he said. My heart speed up even more and I sucked in a breath. I examined his red eyes, and he examined my E/C ones. "I'm sorry, okay," he said.

"There's nothing to be sorry for," I said trying to act confused. He rubbed his thumb against my cheek. I looked away. "Can we get back to work" I mumbled as the man's eyes scanned my whole body. "Mhm," he said as we went back to silently discussing our work.


After we finished our work we all went back to our dorms.

Mina bae🌷✨

I hate him and these damn
Mixed feelings that he's giving

Mina bae🌷✨
The way that he was looking at u

I felt my heart speed up as I remembered the interaction.

Mina bae🌷✨
My coochie was throbbing for u

I like him so much and I hate it.

Mina bae🌷✨
How long have you liked him?☹️

Since forever☹️

Mina bae🌷✨
Awe bae🥲


I put down my phone and sighed. I stared at my screen and watched Spongebob do his daily nonsense.

"What am I gonna do about you" I sighed and glanced at the picture of me and Iida crying with cake smashed on our face as kids.


:) mb yall

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