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"You know you love me"

"You know you love me"

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Sorry for any mistakes!(random disclaimer !! I don't wrestle !! This is all from google)

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Sorry for any mistakes!
(random disclaimer !! I don't wrestle !! This is all from google)

"Today we're sparing. No quirks." Mr. Aizawa said holding his phone in his hand. He had used a random spin-the-wheel app to pick who would fight who and I was the lucky somebody to get paired up with iida.

"You're not allowed to change partners, beat each other's asses, and don't bother me until somebody is getting seriously hurt," the tired man said walking off.

I turned my head to tenya. He looked incredibly annoyed but he looked so fine at the same time. He wore a pair of grey shorts that stopped way above his knee and a long sleeve black compression shirt. I knew for a fact that he hated that he had to train with me.

"Come on tenten," I said as I walked farther away from our classmates. The boy smacked his lips. He never did like that nickname.

"Let's wrestle today," I said stretching my limbs. He simply rolled his eyes and also began stretching.

After a little more of our stretching, I ran at iida. For my first move, I decided to go for a single-leg attack. I lowered my level so that I would be able to go for his legs but he swiftly jumped back and tried to grab me. I used his arms away from mine and went back in.

The next move I pulled was called Fireman. I moved my body closer to Tenya's body and grabbed his tricep. Then I dropped my right knee and gripped the back of his thigh with my right left hand. I pulled at his thigh causing him to fall on his back. I quickly tried to pin the bay down but he kicked me dead in my stomach. I fell back falling on the ground as iida quickly moved his body over to mine.

The asshole pulled a move called arm bars. All I could do was move around as much as I could to get out of his grip. Eventually, I did and we were both back on our feet. Somehow after a few minutes, we ended up on the floor again. Our bodies became slippery due to our constant attacks on each other. I ran up to iida and grabbed his wrists before flipping him over my body. I quickly rolled to the boy so that he could be on his stomach and pinned one of his arms behind his back.

"No way! Did you use your quirk" he said while grunting and squirming. Knowing iida for as long as I did, I would expect him to know that I'm naturally fast and agile.

"What no! You know that!" I said in between breaths. Out of no where iida broke away and pushed me off of him. We both stood catching of breaths before running back at each other. Suddenly iida grabbed my arm pulling it behind me before using his knee Into my back causing me to fall forward.

I rolled out of his grip ignoring the pain in my arm. I suddenly grabbed his arm pulling him down onto me before trapping his head with my thighs. I clamped down hard around the boy's neck leaving him slapping my thighs repeatedly.

"Y/N! Y/N! Stop!" he said his voice barely coming out.

"Tap out!" I said as the boy tried to push my legs to say from him. I grabbed his arm and pulled it up causing him to grunt. He kicked his legs making me tighten my grip. After a few minutes, he used his only free arm to talk the floor. I let him go throwing his arm down with a big smile on my face.

"Have you only been training your quirk?" I said laughing. He rolled his eyes while rubbing his arms. He muttered bitch as he walked over to get his water. I smiled as I used the edge of my shirt to wipe my sweat.

I won. He could be a bitch all he wanted but at this moment I knew that I could beat his ass whenever I wanted to.


In a short time training was over and we were all back in the dorms chilling. Iida was unusually quiet. He would normally be talking with his friends but this time he sat with an angry look on his face while also holding up a pack of ice in his arms.

"Iida, what's wrong?" Uraraka said placing a hand on his shoulder. He tossed his ice pack on the coffee table catching everyone's attention.

"Nothing..." he said in a low tone.

"Does your arm hurt?" she asked rubbing his arm. I rolled my eyes and went back to my game of Mario cart against sero and Denki.

"Y/N you were a little rough" uraraka said. Her hands still rubbing iidas shoulders and arms. I rolled my eyes before turning back to my game.

"Were you the one I was fighting...no better yet did iida tell you that his arm was the problem?" I asked as I beat the boys in the game. They both sat their controllers down with a sigh.

"No but..." she said. Suddenly bakugou chimed in.

"But nothing. Four eyes is a sore loser. He's pissed because y/n is a better fighter than him. And it doesn't help that he hates her" he said. I nodded as the boy finished.

"Kacchan!" midorya said placing his hand on the coffee table. Suddenly iida scoffed and stood up.

"I'm not a sore loser," he said.

"Then what is it?" bakugou said crossing his arms.

"I don't have to explain shit to you," he said glaring at me. Everyone knew that his words were directed at bakugou.

"Haaa?!" the boy said trying to stand. Kirishima placed his hand on the boy's shoulder as Iida walked off. I watched him walk away. I sighed as the boy disappeared from my sight.

"Y/N love. Obviously, you and Iida have some bad blood. Did anything happen between you two" mina said. I crossed my arms.

"I have no bad blood with iida! His hatred is one-sided actually. We were close as kids but one day he changed." I said.

"What changed?" midorya asked. I shrugged and stood up. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. They all watched me as I cracked open the drink and finished it all.

"We were so close. But one day I came over to play and he yelled at me about how much he hated me. I asked why but he got even madder. Then I got mad and told him how he was childish and that I was better than him. Then we fought. And after that it was a rap" I said. They all started analyzing the information that I just got.

"Do you have a guess on what could've triggered him?" todoroki asked. I nodded softly and went to my room.

All I could do is hope that it wasn't some misunderstanding.

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Iida's pov:

"I genuinely hate her!" I yelled as I flopped down onto my bed.

"Don't say that you don't mean it...." my brother said in a soft tone.

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Hey y'all myb for not updating in so long and giving y'all this ass chapter☠️

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