The Baker and the Soldier

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Bucky had recently arrived in Bucharest, Romania.

As he strolled along the sidewalk, a particular bakery caught his eye. Zahăr și condimente. Sugar and Spice.

Braving himself for interaction, he entered. A chime sounded and a young woman, covered in flour, walked up to the counter.

"Hello," she said with a smile. "Pardon the flour. I had a little mishap."

"Happens to the best of us," Bucky quipped.

She laughed. "I suppose it does. Are you looking for a recommendation? I don't recall seeing you here before."

Bucky nodded. "I'm... visiting, and thought I'd check this place out."

"I appreciate you doing so. What sorts of things do you like? I make a marvelous marble cake, if you like that. If you want to take a moment to look at the display, be my guest."

"I think I'll try the marble cake."

"Coming right up."

She pulled out a slice of marble cake and asked, "Is there anything else you'd like?"

"A coffee, if you don't mind. Just a regular black."

"Not at all."

She got his coffee and handed it to him.

Bucky paid and gave her a small smile. "Thank you."

"My pleasure. Come again, Mr... I'm sorry, I realized I never asked your name."

"Barnes. Bucky Barnes."

She pulled off a glove and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Barnes. I'm Rori Matei."

Bucky pulled his hand back and held up the coffee and marble cake. "Thank you for this."

"It was my genuine pleasure. Come again, if I didn't scare you away."

"I think I can get past the fact that you're wearing flour, Rori."

"Good. Usually I look a little more cleaned up."

Bucky waved and left the bakery with a small smile. Something about the baker he'd just met made him far happier than anything ever had. And to be brutally honest? That terrified him.

Later that afternoon, he made his way to his apartment and noticed Rori walking up the stairs.

"Rori," he called.

Rori whipped around and grabbed the railing. "Bucky? What are you doing here?" Her eyes narrowed slightly. "Are you following me?"

"What? No. I live here."

"Isn't that a coincidence." She resumed walking and the two went to their respective apartments, finding that they were only a couple doors apart.

As Rori went into her apartment, Bucky said, "I'd, um, I'd like to see you again. Not just at your bakery."

A small smile crossed her face. "I'm available tomorrow night at seven."

"I'll be there."

"You haven't asked me anything."

"Rori, would you like to go out with me tomorrow night?"

"I would. I'll see you tomorrow night, Bucky."

And from then on, Bucky became a regular at Rori's bakery, and one date turned into more. Several dates in, he asked her to be his girlfriend, and she accepted.

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