Chapter Two

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Chapter Two – Chelsea's POV

The clock was slowly ticking by with the sound of the ticking growing louder and louder in my ears the more I listened as our teacher continued to write on the chalkboard with the sound of the chalk scratching the board rang loudly also in my ears for what we have to do for our homework. I couldn't concentrate much on whatever she was writing so I decided to turn my head to stare out the window instead, I watched as the rain poured down heavily outside followed by the flash of lighting filling the sky with a bright white light as the sound of thunder soon followed after.

My mind started to wonder to what our tempt alpha wanted from me today after school, he sounded as if it was very important and seemed urgent that I must hear from him after school today or else something may happen. I was starting to feel a bit of worry set in my stomach but I know that deep down it will probably be nothing too much to worry about, I hope at least. He hardly ever asks me to meet him for something important unless it is necessary for my future when I become the Alpha at eighteen in hopefully five - four months' time. 

The bell rang causing me to jump slightly which disturbed me from my thoughts, I got up quickly with everyone else and proceeded to pack away my stuff before leaving the classroom with the teacher shouting at everyone to remember to do the homework even if they aren't any point in doing it since school finishes next week for good for me and our year, who will be hosting our graduation prom next month. My best friend Chase walked up stepping in step with me the moment I made it towards his class where we both made our way towards the exit of the school with everyone else.

"Hey Chase, do you know what the tempt alpha wants with me after school?" I questioned him which set him into giving me a deep thinking look before shaking his head with a no. "Don't worry Chelsea, whatever it may be it can't be that bad, can it?" He patted me on the shoulder as I sighed shaking my head trying to think the same way he does but I know the worry to want to find out why he wants me will always get the best of me.

We got to the exit of the school and finally stepped out of the building into the rain as we saw people around us either running for it or walking over to their cars or over to the buses if they need it since this school caters to four different packs, one even being the Rouge Blood Pack which the members for that pack are separated and at the other end of the school building away from us. "Last to the pack house is considered a rouge!" Chase shouted shoving me which sent some people to turn their heads at us as he started to run laughing at me, his feet splashing in the puddles as he ran getting him soaked immediately.

This type of challenge perked me up immediately as all the worries I had before melted away. I softly smiled at how he could always find some way to cheer me up and distract me from anything with just the simple things in life. I shouted after him "Hey your cheating!" As I started running trying my best to catch up with the rain pelting off me like stones getting my clothes wet which causes them to stick to me like glue, it's a bad day to be wearing skinny jeans.

We both ran human speed with a tiny bit extra of our werewolf speed since even if they are mostly werewolves around, they are some humans that may stumble into this town that doesn't know what we are. We reached the entrance of the woods where our pack is located and that's where I started to pick up the pace which caused me to easily catch up to him and laughed as I overtook him getting to the door before, he even reached the stairs to the porch "That's so not fair, you always win!" He moaned in annoyance with a sassy attitude followed by a soft smile for me as I just laughed as a flash of lightning filled my vision and then once again followed by thunder.

I never minded lighting and thunder, but I know that a lot of young pups will be shivering in fear right now because of how sensitive their hearing can be at such a young age. "And you always know I am faster that's why you always try to cheat in order to win which never works at all against me" I stepped inside the house shaking myself because I was soaking wet from the rain, the water dripped onto the floor as I treaded inside the house towards the stairs as pack members around greeted me with hellos and welcome backs.

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