Part 3

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Bellamy wakes up to the sound of distant birds chirping to each other. The sun beams down on him, and he closes his eyes, momentarily blinded by the harsh light. He stretches, bones cracking as the smooth earth below him moves. For a moment, he is hazy, temporarily forgetting where he is, until a soft moan snaps him back into reality.

I left Camp Jaha yesterday. I found her. Found Clarke.

As if she was able to listen to his thoughts, she moans again, and Bellamy turns his head to see the girl sleeping next to him. A smile instinctively stretches across his mouth as he watches his Princess sleep, gold hair laid out like a halo. But as soon as the smile comes, it disappears when Clarke starts twitching, frown marring her face. Bellamy's hand is on Clarke's shoulder, ready to wake her, when she screams. It's a sound that Bellamy doesn't want to hear; it's a cross between screeching and wailing, and it rips into Bellamy.

He sits up and starts shaking Clarke by the shoulder. "Clarke, wake up," he whispers. But Clarke doesn't listen or she's too far into her dream, because she continues thrashing and screaming. He continues with the shaking, but Clarke doesn't wake up. The screaming has stopped, but not the noises. Instead, Clarke starts to whimper, and Bellamy manages to hear his name pass through her lips. The sound further breaks Bellamy; Clarke is not supposed to sound like this, like all hope has been sucked out of her life, only leaving the sorrow and pain behind. Bellamy places himself over her, locking her in place, but not crushing her either. "Princess, it's just a dream. Wake up!"

Suddenly, Clarke's eyes open and she gasps, breathing in the fresh air. She closes her eyes, but quickly opens them again, as if she's scared that she will enter the dreamworld again. She sees Bellamy, brown eyes wide in concern, and she whispers in a croaky voice, "Bellamy?" Clarke starts to sit up, and Bellamy leans back, watching as Clarke struggles to compose herself. She looks at the man in front her, eyes shining with compassion, concern and overwhelming love, that Clarke forgets herself and allows the tears to run down her face. As she's crying, Clarke thinks that she must look really unattractive to Bellamy, what with her red eyes and tear-stained face, but she can't stop. She can't stop crying as she thinks of her dream, where everyone around her was dying, because of her. She saw Monty and Jasper being killed by Reapers, her mum screaming as the acid fog descended on her. Next to her mum, Octavia was being slaughtered by Reaper Lincoln, who in turn killed himself as he realised that his lover died by his hands.

And then there was Bellamy. He was on the ground, convulsing as the boils that signified radiation started to bloom on his hands, on his face. He turned his head towards Clarke, reaching for her as he opened his mouth, blood dripping from the side of his face, to gurgle something. Her name.

Before she can delve deeper into the insanity, Clarke feels a warmth envelope around her, cocooning her from the dark recesses of her mind. She buries her head into Bellamy's chest, sobbing as he rocks them back and forth and smooths down her hair. He mumbles something, and Clarke realises that he's saying "You're okay." After a few minutes, Clarke leans back until she sees Bellamy's face, but not so much that she escapes his hold.

"I'm sorry," she says as she wipes her face and clears her throat, trying to show any semblance of control.

"You don't have to be sorry, Clarke. It was just a dream."

"Do all dreams show the deaths of everyone you care about?"

Bellamy's mouth is open, before he closes it and stares at Clarke. With that look, Clarke knows he won't let this go.

"What was it about? And don't you dare try to change the subject," Bellamy adds when he sees Clarke open her mouth, ready to come up with a lame excuse. She glares at him, but Bellamy chuckles and kisses her forehead before smoothing the crease in her eyebrows. Clarke leans into his touch and hums in content. She wishes she could stay like this forever, but she knows she'll have to talk sooner or later. So she picks sooner.

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