Part 5

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Over the next few days, Bellamy and Clarke make their way through the forest. Sometimes, Clarke falls into a melancholic state, thinking about her actions and the weight she carries. But every time she does, Bellamy is always there to pick her up. It's a slow progress, but through Bellamy's strong presence and assurances, Clarke eventually starts opening up. During their journey, she tells Bellamy of her life in the Ark with her parents and the adventures she went on with Wells, the places they hid when a privileged life got too hard for them. Bellamy smiles as Clarke tells her life, happy that she is able to move on, but never truly forget. Her eyes still dull when she thinks about the past, but they soon sparkle again, a sight that leaves Bellamy breathless.

As they're talking and trudging through bushes, Bellamy instantly straightens his back. It's something that was instilled in him during cadet training, and has only become stronger since touching down onto Earth. Constant vigilance. Be wary of your surroundings, know the ins and outs of what's around you. Bellamy stops and turns around, scrutinising the forest around him. He only moves when Clarke comes to a stop next to him, eyes searching his face for an answer.

"It's nothing," he says, steering her away as they continue walking. Though he told Clarke that, Bellamy knows that there's something out there. Every nerve in his body tingles with the knowledge, and his fingers twitch to the gun strapped on his back, but he doesn't make a move. His first priority is to make sure Clarke is safe. Then, and only then will he act.

"Bellamy, what's wrong?" Clarke asks. She can feel the anxiety in Bellamy's hand as it pushes her in front of him, feel his heartbeat bursting with adrenaline.


"Now's not the time to be stubborn. Tell me what's wrong."

Clarke stops and Bellamy bumps into her, but steadies himself. He attempts to push her, but Clarke embeds her heels into the ground, anchoring her.

"Clarke..." Bellamy growls lowly. At any other time, Clarke's nerves would've been on fire at the low tone of Bellamy's voice, but she steels herself, ready for another confrontation. In a corner of her mind, she realises that they're back to the beginning, when Bellamy and Clarke where on opposite sides.

"Bellamy, you said that we're a team. That means if there's something on your mind, you need to tell me."

Bellamy exhales a breath of frustration and looks back, searching for something that's discernible only to him. He turns his head to Clarke, and seeing her blue eyes stare back at him with an openness and compassion that he thought was gone, Bellamy says with a sigh, "I feel like there's something following us."

Clarke stares over Bellamy's shoulder, waiting for something to reveal itself. "You sure?"

"Yeah. I just have a feeling."

Clarke nods and says, "We'll keep our eyes and ears peeled. We can't be far from the ocean. Keep your gun on you."

Bellamy takes the gun into his hands, the familiar weight settling him down. He gently pushes Clarke forward and keeps a close distance behind her. At her cocked eyebrow, he says, "I'm not taking any chances, Princess."

With that, Bellamy and Clarke continue making their way through the forest, not noticing a pair of dark brown eyes watching them.


As night falls, Bellamy and Clarke make camp, setting up another fire. As they do, Clarke lifts her head and breathes in, a smile spreading across her face as she turns to Bellamy.

"Do you smell that?" she asks.

"Nothing special about trees and dirt, Princess," Bellamy grunts as he stokes the fire, placing skewers of rabbit on top of the stand erected.

I Will Never Let You Fall (Bellarke)Where stories live. Discover now