Part 6

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So, here is another chapter of I Will Never Let You Fall. Picture is of a village along the Amazon River and it serves as my inspiration for the Ocean Clan village. Obviously, I picture it more... beachy and the huts aren't so crowded, but the design of the huts is what I think of when I think of the Ocean Clan Village. 

Without further ado, enjoy! 

The next day is not better. Tension is heightened, and the air is thick with it. After a silent breakfast, Bellamy and Clarke continue their way. Despite the pain in her leg, Clarke pushes on. She had managed to find a long stick, and uses it as a crutch. It's not ideal, but it will have to do. She looks ahead at Bellamy's taut back. The gun is in his hands, and he constantly looks around him, but never behind. Clarke heaves a sigh. She had tried to get Bellamy to talk, to open up, but he had shut her down, ignoring her questions.

Stubborn ass, she thinks as she places her injured leg on the ground. She hisses through clenched teeth, not wanting to scream at the jolt of pain that thrums along her veins. Unfortunately, Bellamy hears.

"You want to take a break?" he asks for the first time since Clarke stopped trying to talk to him.

"No," Clarke mutters, taking a step, then a quick hop.

"Come on, Princess. You look like a drunk rabbit when you walk."

"Better a drunk rabbit than a dead one."

"Which is why you should rest," Bellamy growls, frustration clear in his voice.

"I. Am. Not. Stopping," Clarke says, each word reverberated as the crutch hits the ground.

Bellamy curses, then stalks to Clarke, who is unable to take a step back. He grabs the crutch, throws it away, then pushes Clarke down until she is sitting on the ground, legs spread out in front of her.

"I don't like to be manhandled," she growls, blue eyes glaring up at Bellamy.

"If you weren't acting like a child, then I wouldn't have to use my strength," Bellamy says, crouching in front of Clarke. "Besides, you need fresh bandages."

Clarke looks at her left leg, and grimaces at the sight of a red patch on a white canvas. "I didn't realise it was bleeding again," she says to herself. She hears Bellamy scoff, and squints her eyes at him, who doesn't notice as he's fishing in the backpack for bandages. Once he has them, Bellamy starts unwrapping the old bandage, ignoring the deep bite on her leg once it's been uncovered. Unlike him, Clarke can't look away. It's in the shape of a human mouth, teeth marks scarring her skin as a steady flow of blood oozes out of the wound. Fortunately it hasn't started to fester and produce pus, but Clarke knows she needs medical attention, and soon. Already she can feel herself getting dizzy, and it's not the good kind. Her thoughts are interrupted by Bellamy wrapping the new bandage around her leg. Despite his frosty demeanour, his hands are surprisingly gentle, as if he doesn't want to harm Clarke any further. At this, Clarke slightly smiles.

"Thanks," she whispers, watching the calloused, yet soft hands as they move over and under her leg.

"No problem," Bellamy grunts as he ties a knot. He quickly packs away the remaining bandages and after placing the backpack and gun on his shoulders, he leans down and picks Clarke up.

"Bellamy!" Clarke yells, slamming her hands against his chest. "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" he snorts. "I'm carrying you."

"Yeah, I get that," she spits out sarcastically. "Why though?"

"We need to get to Luna as quick as possible, and your leg needs medical attention. We won't get there fast enough if you're hopping on one leg."

I Will Never Let You Fall (Bellarke)Where stories live. Discover now