Chapter 2 - Sophie

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"Don't struggle, Sophie."

"I couldn't if I wanted to," Sophie replied, "It's not like you just told me 'Make yourself at home!' or you wouldn't have tied me to this chair."

"I see you've picked up some of my son's snarkiness. Can't say that I like it." Gisela said, pulling down her hood. "Let's keep that to a minimum, shall we? It will make this much easier."

"I mean if you told me why I'm here, maybe I would be more willing to cooperate, hmm?" Sophie said with a smirk, hoping she looked more confident than she felt.

"Fine, sure! You're gonna be here for a long time so why not tell you why?" Gisela pulled out another steel chair from the shadows. "Sophie, as you know, you are very powerful. And how can our goals be achieved if we have the Black Swan's most powerful creation working against us? I would be simplest to just kill you, but we have decided, we could use you to our advantage."

Sophie's face tensed up. "Who's 'we'?"

"The Neverseen, of course! Who else? Well, I guess I would expect nothing less from the Moonlark."


"Anyway, In the sight of how powerful you are, we have decided to turn you over to our side." Gisela sighed, "I know you are going to say–"

"I would never join your side!" Sophie shouted.

"-that, but it's not up to you. We use this method– morphing as we call it – and it does whatever we want it to do. In this case, make you join the Neverseen. It's fairly simple, and all I need you to do is just sit there and be a good girl, someone will bring you food soon." Gisela smiles and stood up, dusted her hands on her long gown, and stalked out of the room.


A figure in a hooded cloak walks into the room, with a small disk in their hands.

"What's that?" Sophie asks, curious.

The figure doesn't reply and they walk forward, holding out the disk. "Hold still."

The voice is somewhat feminine, yet very deep. Sophie couldn't place it.

The girl pressed the disk onto Sophie's neck, which let out steam as it suctioned onto her skin.

The girl touched a unseen button, making Sophie black out.


Gosh this chapter.

My tiny brain was like: OOH LETS MAKE HER LIKE KEEEEEEEEEEFE (my brain is always like that)

Then again, I don't know if she would ever sound like that but chuck that out the window cause it's FaNtAsY 

->Neverbean out

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