Train from Tokyo Station

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Anya stood out amongst the Japanese locals. She was blonde and tall standing at about 5'9". One little girl even tried to reach out and touch Anya's golden locks from atop her father's shoulders. She tried to dress professionally as possible while still being able to move about if necessary. Her gun was tucked in the back of her dark jeans as she weived her way towards the bullet train her father wanted her on. 

She had been given a burner phone that was going to tell her what her father wanted her to do throughout her journey to Kyoto. 

Why she couldn't just fly straight to Kyoto was beyond her, but she knew her father was up to something. He had warned her that he was bored. Grief and boredom are a horrible combination that Anya knew all too well. 

Her family was broken, and some small part of her hoped that this would be her father's attempt of gluing the pieces back together. But Anya was not naive to the ways of her father. She knew that this night would end with her scrubbing out blood from her white top and grey blazer. 

Her father was scheming. What worried her most was that she was involved. 

Her father had turned her into a killing machine from a young age, but he tried to avoid giving her tasks. He taught her ruthlessness to defend herself and not to be used as a weapon for the White death. 

To him, Anya was his masterpiece. 

Alexsei was a disappointing failure who he despised. 

Mila was a conniving, spoiled, brat who felt like a pest in his life. 

Anya was his princess, the heir to his yakuza thrown. Kind and beautiful as her mother, yet strong and bloodthirsty as him. His perfect creation. 

She was his oldest. His first baby. The only child who wasn't a fucking disappointment. 

The fact that he wanted his beloved daughter on this train meant something. Anya just couldn't seem to figure out what.

"Why'd I do that? It's like I got a compulsion or something. I have to take it if I see it." Tangerine asked as he held the fish cookies that he nicked off the cart. 

He was on edge, old habits were resurfacing and he spun his wedding ring around his finger. They had been specifically requested to do a job for the White Death, the king of bad mother fuckers. He quite liked his hands and currently, they were in danger if anything went wrong on this job. 

 He did the mental math of what time it was back in London. There was a 9-hour difference. He tried to imagine what his Anya would be doing alone in their flat. Knowing her, probably still nestled in their bed asleep. He smiled at the thought, while he was out murdering and maiming she was back home waiting for him like a fucking angel. 

"Mate wipe the dopey look off. Just call her, get it out of your system so we can focus on the job." Charlie, more recently named, Lemon, said looking at his brother. 

Lemon knew him too damn well. 

He rolled his eyes but pulled out his phone, nonetheless clicking her contact and waiting. 

After the third ring she picked up, he could hear the smile in her voice as she spoke, making him smile too. "Hello, дорогой"

"Hello, love. What are you up to?" 

"Just packing to run away with my Russian lover."

He rolled his eyes once more, "I do not enjoy this joke." As he listened to her laugh, all annoyance washed away like magic.

Survive until Kyoto (A Bullet Train Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now