Get the Case

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Anya sat with her headphones in, awaiting her father's orders. She almost had a heart attack earlier when Michael called and she was on a train in Tokyo, praying that they would make no announcements when she was talking. 

She was supposed to be in a quiet London flat, not on some bullet train in japan. But, pappa asked her to be here so there she was. 

Her burner finally buzzed, and on the screen were the words. 

'On board this train there is a silver metal briefcase with a blue train sticker on the handle. Get it and keep it until Kyoto. There is a replica case in the space below your seat.'


She leaned down and grabbed the spare.

She stood immediately beginning her walk to one end of the train. As the door slid open to the bar cart she saw a man dragging a blood-covered body into a chair. 

The man froze looking up at the stunned girl who just entered the cart. 

"Look. I can explain." The man started.

Her eyes caught the silver case on the ground with the blue handle. She dropped the replica right to the left of the door where he couldn't see it and immediately put on her best-scared girl face. 

"Y-You... you killed him?" Her voice shook. Changing from her classic Russian accent to a posh Londoner. 

"N-no... I um well..."

She pretended to just notice the case, gasping in horror. "So it was you? My father hired you to steal my mother's ashes?!?"


She held up the case, pulling it close to her chest as if it were sentimental. "Tell my father that she wished for her ashes to be scattered across her home in Kyoto. He has no right to take that from her after leaving her! He cheated on her while she lay sick and dying!" 

Tears fell down her face as she watched his reactions, seeing that he believed her. 

"L-listen I'm sorry! I'm so sorry. I'm just a pickup guy" He looked horrified as she started sobbing. "Look... Uhhh is there some way I can help? I feel terrible, really. I didn't know what was in the case."

"MY MOTHER IS NOT A WHAT!" Anya screamed dramatically, crying even harder.

"N-no of course not. I just... I just need to take the case or I'll get in trouble and Marie will be mad..." He began to ramble, stressing himself out.

"There is one way you could help me... without getting yourself in trouble. We could switch" She asked.


She stood pulling the replica case out. "My brother knew my father would try something like this... He made a replica to keep beside me so a thief would try to steal that one instead..."

"I'll take the replica then. That way your father won't be mad okay?" 

"That's a really smart idea!"

She shot him a coy, pretty smile, agreeing with him as if he came up with the plan. She smiled playing with the dumb man's mind. She knew her story made no sense. Why would her father hire someone to steal ashes and who would make a replica? It was almost stupid how he fell for it. 

But Anya loved making a game of trying to sell the most outrageous stories. She once convinced a man that she was the queen's long-lost granddaughter and that's why she was needed in the royal treasury.

It was fun to be believed. 

Anyone with a brain could pick apart her story, but he seemed to buy it.

She gave him the replica before leaving with the real one. Smiling to herself she made her way back toward her seat. Texting her father that she had the case and would await further instructions.

"Well, so, slight change of plans. Ho! Oh!" Tangerine looked wide-eyed at the dead body of the white death's son. 

"First his wife, now his son? That's a lot of white deaths." Lemon said. 

They put on some cartoony sunglasses to cover his eyes, hoping that he looked asleep and not dead. 

"We gotta make sure he doesn't step a foot off this train," Lemon said, referring to the thief.

"You see the case, deal with whoever has it." Tangerine ran a stressed hand through his hair. 

"All right, how do I do that? Talk to him, or, like, talk to him?" 

"I don't know, why don't you tell him about the story about how Gordon met Percy and how Percy's now bleeding from his fucking eye sockets!"

They both stepped onto the platform looking for the case. 

In the fifth compartment, Anya sat playing on her phone before deciding to call Mila. 

(A/N: once again this will be written in English but they are speaking Russian)

"Hey, little prince. What are you up to?"

"Plotting to kill our father. You?"

"Our father's bidding. Did you know Alexsei was kidnapped?" 

"Of course."

"Why am I the only one out of the loop?"

"You're not. It just feels that way cause actually care. Where are you?"

"Working. I'm just checking in to make sure you're alright."

"Fine. Bye."

With that, the little brat hung up the phone. And Anya was left to her own thoughts once more. She glanced to her right out the window. 

People were exiting the train, but she notice one man standing at the door a few cars down. A very familiar man. 

"Charlie?" She whispered to herself, standing to move towards the third compartment without being seen. 

She sat in an empty chair in the fourth compartment, looking out the window once more at the man that she was now sure was her brother-in-law. 

She pulled out her cell, clicking on Charlie's contact. 

She watched as the man pulled out his phone, panicked at what he saw, and answered, stepping back on the train. 

"Hey, Anya!"

She didn't respond. Shocked beyond belief as she heard the Japanese announcements echo through the phone. 

If charlie was in Japan. Then so was Michael.

"Anya? You there?... Huh. Must have dialed by accident." She heard him say before hanging up. 

What could the twins possibly be doing in Tokyo? She thought they were in Oslo, Norway. Her heart stopped then... Mikey lied. 

He and Charlie were on the same exact train as her and lied about it. 

She didn't tell her truthful location either, but she was just following orders from her father. What could her husband be doing that required a lie? 

Was he cheating?

Was Charlie in on it?

Did her father have something to do with it?

She stole a hat from the above-head compartment, hiding her blonde hair that stuck out so much and made her easily identifiable. She crept towards the third cabin and as the door slid open, there he was, Michael Jones. Most definitely not in Oslo. He sat in a suit she bought him, twisting his wedding ring around his finger as he spoke in hushed tones to Charlie. 

"I'm gonna fucking kill him."

Survive until Kyoto (A Bullet Train Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now