Chapter 14: To the Rescue

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Imlie mechanically packed the last of her clothes into the worn down duffel bag, watching as her mother picked up their family photo from the nightstand. Running her hand lovingly over a smiling Satyakam, Meethi pressed it against her chest, a single tear rolling down her cheek.

"Amma, don't cry. Sita Maiyya will take care of everything." Imlie tried to comfort her mother failing to tamp down her own fears.

Where would they go? She didn't know anyone else in the city other than Jyoti and Editor Sahab but asking them for housing even if it was temporary would be a big favor. Jyoti lived in a one bedroom flat and even if Editor Sahab offered her accommodation, she could only imagine the whispers that would circulate in office about favoritism that would follow. As it is rumors were abundant in the office since she was the only journalist on the payroll without the educational qualifications needed for the job. Everyone knew Editor Sahab had been the one to push Imlie's job application through and many resented her for it.

Slinging her duffel bag over her shoulder, she leaned down to pick up her mother's bag, and gently ushered her towards the door. She would spend whatever little money she had in the bank and book them into a hotel for the time being until they found regular accommodation she resolved.

"So much has happened but look at the arrogance on this girl's face. She is homeless but is still strutting about as if she is the Queen" Aparna clapped her hands, mocking Imlie.

"Hey girl, those who don't have a roof of their head should walk with eyes downcast. Didn't I tell you that one day both of you will pay for your sins?" she crowed delighting in the misery on Meethi's face. Imlie stoically met Aparna's gaze, defiance in the tilt of her head and her direct gaze.

Angered by Imlie's unwillingness to appear contrite, Aparna moved forward raising her hand, intending to strike Imlie across her face.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" a feminine voice undercut with steel spoke up from the door. A young woman wearing a beige salwar suit stepped forward, coming to a stop between Imlie and Aparna.

"Who are you and how dare you come into my house uninvited?" Aparna thundered dropping her hand and focusing her ire on the newcomer.

Fixing Aparna with a gimlet stare the woman answered, "I am Arpita Shekhwat, Joint Secretary, Delhi Commission for Women. Ms Mishra and her mother are under my protection now."

Imlie blinked puzzled, how had the Delhi Commission for Women gotten involved? She looked over to her mother who appeared just as confused as she was. Her gaze then landed on Aparna who looked like a fish out of water, her mouth opening and closing but no sound coming out.

Arpita turned towards Imlie, a slight smile gracing her lips "Imlie, its so nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot of things about you and can't wait to chat more. How about we get out of here first, take you home and then you and I can get down to the business of becoming friends?"

"Uh?" Imlie questioned her mind stuck on the words "take you home".

"What do you mean take you home?" Aparna screeched. "This girl has no home, she is a thief and a liar!"

Arpita turned her head slightly, regarding Aparna with narrowed eyes. "Careful Mrs Tripathi,, maligning someone without proof is a punishable offence. I have witnessed you raising a hand to strike Ms Mishra and as the Secretary of the Commission for Women, I can file a case against you for violence against another woman."

All of Aparna's bluster seemed to evaporate at the threat, and she lapsed into sullen silence glaring at Imlie.

Arpita glanced at the bags in Imlie's hands, "I see you are packed and ready to go? Lets go then." Folding her hands in a namaste, she smiled at Meethi before gesturing her to the door. "Lets go Maaji."

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