Chapter 34: Pagdandiya Diaries Part 3

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Imlie stirred awake slowly, blinking a few times before realization set in of where she was. Weak streams of sunlight lit the inside of the cottage illuminating dust motes that danced. The fire had died down some time during night leaving charred ash . Groaning slightly she straightened from where she had been slumped, sleeping against the shoulder of the ACP who mumbled something and shifted his head to the other side, after losing the support of her head underneath his cheek. Taking care to not wake him up, she made her way to the door of the cottage hoping there would be some food she could find. 

Aryan sat up with a jolt, the sound of raised voices instantly driving his sleep away and sending him into high alert. He couldn't find Imlie anywhere and he quickly stood up and made his way to the door wondering what trouble had found them now. The rusty door creaked open and Aryan stepped into the sunlight only to be bought short by the sight of a score of villagers carrying sticks and scythes surrounding Imlie; who was glaring at the person in front of her, the Sarpanch. 

Every muscle in his body tensed and he curled his fists feeling the adrenalin flow. "Imlie" he growled the warning in his voice quieting down the raucous villagers momentarily.  Both Imlie and the Sarpanch turned towards him and he took the opportunity to insert himself between them ensuring that she was protected. Staring down at the Sarpanch, he let the disgust he felt for the man show on his face as he asked with lethal softness "What in the hell is happening here?"

For a brief moment there was shock on the man's face as he looked again at Imlie. "Imlie?" he questioned as if he discovered a disgusting insect under his shoe. "Imlie Satyakam Mishra?" he spat as he continued to look at her. The murmurs in the crowd grew louder as they realized who she was. A few men moved closer to the Sarpanch brandishing their scythes watching her with beady eyes.

"So the proverbial apshagun has returned. I should have known the moment I saw you blocking the way to the temple. We have you to thank for the rain last night that destroyed crops and left quite a few cows dead. Wherever you go you bring destruction. And now with this act you have brought down the wrath of the gods on this village! No one will be safe!!" he screamed, the vitriol in his words lashing her like a thousand knives.

 Imlie's deep intake of breath did not go unnoticed by Aryan and he stepped forward, standing almost toe to toe with the Sarpanch, his eyes narrowing in deadly menace. "I have three things to tell you. Never talk to a girl or woman in that tone of voice ever again, second if I hear one more vile word from your lips for Imlie, I will dig a pit in this ground and plant you in it head first and lastly.."

Frightened by the mountain of a man confronting him but unwilling to let go of his hatred, the Sarpanch took two steps back and asked shakily "And lastly?"

"Let the third thing be a credit on you" Aryan said letting his soft but deadly words sink in.

"But you don't know what she has done! She has defiled the sanctity of this village!!!" the Sarpanch spat out, his rage filled eyes locked on Imlie. "No self respecting, unmarried young woman will spend a night alone with a man. She has dishonored her father, her clan and Sita Maiyya. There is no other recourse for her other than death. Only the spilling of her blood will cleanse the village of this sin."

The villagers all nodded, chanting as one "Kill her! Kill her! Kill the apshagun!"

Aryan lifted his head, piercing the villagers with his gaze. "Which one of you has the guts to try?" he roared daring anyone to make a move towards Imlie. The chants died down and some of the villagers began to look among themselves nervously. The shehri babu did not seem afraid of the armed crowd in front from him and like a pack of jackals facing off against an angry lion that had just roared, they fell back a few steps waiting for someone else to make the first move.

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