Chapter 32 - The Show Begins

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With the Sports Festival only a couple days away, Class D had begun finalizing rosters, pairings, and participants for the festival.

It was up to Horikita and me to determine the rosters and pairings for each event based on each individual's skill.

It did not take us too long to decide on a complete roster for all the events, as I had made an almost complete roster after our grip strength test in my notebook.

The only thing that was still undecided would be the Joint 1200 m relay race.

"How should we decide the order for the Joint relay race, Fukumoto-kun?" Hirata asked.

Every event and participant had been meticulously hand-picked by Horikita and me, well, mostly me. But when it came to the relay race, we were undecided on the best individuals to participate in it. Let alone the order.

I narrowed the participants to Sudo, Hirata, Onodera, Maezono, Horikita, and me. But I was still vague about the order in which we would all run.

Unlike academics, where a week or less of preparation could result in a decent score on an exam. Athletic ability is much harder to change overnight.

Olympians devote their lives to honing and training their part for their selected event. Giving up certain foods and becoming prisoners to rigid schedules.

We were a group of high school students. Most with sub-par athletic skills, so seeing any significant change overnight would be almost impossible.

Yet, the training we did do. Mostly, thanks to Sudo's expertise in this field: helped increase the confidence and competency of most of my classmates. Which made me more confident in the class performing well during this festival.

"As participants sake goes. I think we should limit the relay race to the ones who demonstrated the fastest times during practice."

"I agree," Hirata shook his head wholeheartedly.

"If that's the case: then the participants would be you, Sudo, Onodera, Horikita, Maezono, and I. From all the practices I've seen, those were the fastest runners, and we need the even split of boys and girls."

"Alright, then, what will the order be?"

"It's obvious!" Sudo suddenly appeared beside Hirata and me. "I'll be the anchor. The anchor's always the fastest person in a relay race."

"I don't see a problem in tha-."

"Wait, Sudo-kun, I think it would be best for you to start off the race," Horikita said.

Hirata, Sudo, and I all turned to look at Horikita in confusion.

"Why's that, Horikita-san?" Hirata asked.

"Well, considering the format of this school. And how it is based on a meritocracy, wouldn't it be better to have Sudo-kun run first? Besides, classes have been known to use underhanded tactics. We'd be playing right into their hand if we make Sudo the anchor, as they would be preparing for that."

"I don't totally disagree with you, Horikita-san. The school is far different than most, but I still think having Sudo-kun run last is our best option."

"Besides," I interjected. "Most Olympic level relay race teams have their most experienced and fastest runner go last. Even if our school is different than most, doesn't this show a clear indication of having Sudo run last? I mean, if the olympian's do it, shouldn't we?"

"I see the validity in your logic. But we must also consider that we are not Olympic athletes. Not everyone here has had the same experience or time training for this. By putting Sudo-kun first, we are guaranteeing a far better start than most classes. Then it would just be about maintaining that lead. Once you start passing the others, you're also allowed to switch lanes. By guaranteeing lane 1, we give ourselves a higher chance of winning."

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