3am confession

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Sock's POV

Me and jonathan have been talking all night long about random stuff till we cry laughing, I even got ( forced ) him to watch a few episodes of my little pony with me! reason one: to annoy him even if I gave up on the kys stuff i'm still gonna annoy the hell outta him cuz I can and reason two: I wanted to watch it then show him that one cursed pinkie pie animation on youtube ( witch was my personal favorite ).
I see Jonathan check the alarm clock " dude, it's 3am we should atleast get a few hours of sleep in. " he said as he looked at me with a look like he was a mother trying to get her kids to bed a few hours pass their bedtime. " uuugh fiinnne " I wine out as I get up from the carpetted floor and plop onto his bed he plops laying down on the other side of the bed.
It's been pretty normal for me and him to be sleeping in the same bed afterall that's what friends do right? Totally normal. I look over to him and see him staring at the ceiling wide awake. I've known for awhile now that he's sleep deprived so that's usually why I hang out with him at night and stuff so he isn't alone when he's awake while the rest of the world is asleep. It makes my nerves calm knowing that he's not stuck with his thoughts alone at night most likly spiralling or listening to mitski ( stfu he's a depressed sleep deprived teen ofc he'll listen to washing machine heart on loop of hours straight ) or some other edgy teen band I really don't know I don't really listen to music but I do like true crime podcasts cuz murder is so silly anyways. I just wanna be there for him y'know?
" do you think your parents heard you laughing or talking to yourself for hours straight? " I ask him, he looks over to the gorillaz poster on his third wall and say " I don't even know if they are home at all and I really don't care to be honest " he says carlessly. I almost forgot his mom is usually out doing god knows what and his dad is always working at the night shift and sleeps all day. " oh..sorry I forgot.. " he get's up from laying down and looks over to me with a what-was-that? look on his face " what?? "  " did you seriously just apologize?? you? the demon boy who's goal is to make my off myself just apologized to me?? " he said with a are-you-joking? look while giggling. " hey! i'm not doing that anymore! " I burst out without even thinking. " wait- what? " he said now with a more serious and confused face. That's it. I lost my only friend. When he finds out I'm not doing my job he's gonna tell me to leave him alone for good and I'll have no exuse not to, but I still have to respond I mumble out " well...I decided to stop trying since it wasn't really going anywhere and y'know..you've kinda grown on me and..I really like you so.." I feel my face heat up I did not just say that did I???? I lift my head up from hanging and look over to Jonathan and he isn't even where he used to lay he was coming closer to me on my side of the full bed. " are you serious? you will give up on me killing myself?? " I responded with a flushed nod. He then his face shifts to a smile and a reliefed look.

Jonathan's POV

Wait..did he just say he likes me?? I must've heard somthing off I knew blasting mitski was gonna backfire. I look over back to him " wait. did you say you like me? " he looks over to me wide eyed and skin tinted red as he nods again still quiet there are a few quiet mommets followed by awkwardnes then I speak " why tho?- dude I'm every basic white boy with fake blonde hair. I'm the enbodyment of any edgy, angsty, guy and not even in a hot angsty more like a"  weird ew gross stay away from me school shooter " kinda of edgy " I say in full confusion. This must've been a crule joke on me I've liked him for a while now but I never thought this beautiful idiot would like me back. " you've gotta be joking man, there is no way you'd find me anywhere near decent or at most boyfriend material! My favorite song is saturn suv for gods sake " I have horrible confidence. as I keep rambling on I close my eyes for a momment in the middle of talking to have the feeling of soft lips on mine.
Sock was kissing me. My mind was racing thousands of miles per hour, my face finally getting color and the shade was dark red but I lean into to kiss having my hand on his hips and he wraps his hands around my neck, even if I didn't want it to end we had to breathe at some point in time, I pull away to breathe he does the same it may have only lasted 10-15 seconds but it was mid talking. I look over to him he looks at me dead in the eye and says" I don't know why I like you and I don't know why you would like me but I wanna be your boyfriend. " I feel bad for almost bursting out laughing right there but he was to straight forward and serious about this i've never seen him like this even if he was while shaking, red as a tomatoe and with a dumb look on his face.
" aw man. I was gonna ask you " I say with my head hanging acting sad " but you can be my boyfriend if i can be your boyfriend " I say stupidly. " jonathan are you high? we should get you to sleep now "

Sock's POV

That just happened. Wow. I can be hyporventilating right now but I care more about Jons well being to I kinda just lay him down and snuggle next to him only a few momments after i turn off the lamp do I noitce that my hat is gone and he's playing with my hair. I could be nagging him for taking my hat but i was to tired to respond I just hope that he knew that if we was gonna do that then he better get sleep I thought to myself as I slowly nodded off as I  cling to him.

i'm so tired -author

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