Chapter 2

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A cold breeze sent a chill down Chervilfrost's spine, waking her up just before the break of dawn. Chervilfrost crept out of the warriors den, and decided there was enough time before dawn to have some breakfast.

Chervilfrost let out a yawn and padded towards the fresh kill pile, grabbing the trout she had caught the day before. Chervilfrost took the fish to the main area of the camp.

The queen used her her rigid tongue to de-scale the fish before digging in, tearing the flesh from the fish and chewing it. After she had finished her meal and licked the blood off of her whiskers the sun had begun to rise, it was time to wake Whisperingpaw.

Chervilfrost made her way to the apprentice den and poked her head through the opening. A blue-grey she-cat was sleeping peacefully in the den. Chervilfrost almost didn't want to wake her.

"Whisperingpaw, it's dawn" Chervilfrost meowed. Whisperingpaw stirred and opened her eyes, yawning. "Oh good morning Chervilfrost" she meowed standing up and stretching out her arms into a stretch.

The apprentice stepped out of the den, narrowly avoiding the sleeping bodies of the other three apprentices. Chervilfrost stepped back to give Whisperingpaw enough room to leap out of the apprentice den.

"Good morning Chervilfrost!" Whisperingpaw purred pressing noses with Chervilfrost. Who smiled softly "grab something small, we need to leave right away, I'll be teaching you how to catch fish today anyways" Chervilfrost purred as she nodded to her apprentice.

Whisperingpaw beamed and rushed towards the fresh kill pile, grabbing a small thin trout, the fish were not as plump due to the beginning of leaf bare, but it was enough.

After eating the fish Whisperingpaw met Chervilfrost at the exit to the camp, Chervilfrost welcoming her with a smile. "Let's take a quick patrol of the territory before we start hunting" Chervilfrost suggested, leaping onto the other rocks away from Riverclan camp and onto the short but thick grass.

"What type of fish do you think I'll catch?" Whisperingpaw asked, she had begun to follow Chervilfrost around the edge of the territory, the grass compressing beneath their paws "Trout and herring are most common, but you can catch nearly any fish that swims through the river"

The two she-cat got to a slower part of the river, Whisperingpaw was only recently apprenticed so Chervilfrost wanted to make hunting fish as easy as possible for her.

Whisperingpaw say by the river, staring across it towards the Thunderclan Sunningrocks, Chervilfrost sat herself next to her. "Whisperingpaw, before we hunt I do have something to tell you" Chervilfrost meowed, flicking her ears and looking down at the young apprentice. "What is it Chervilfrost?"

Chervilfrost took a breath and looked onward towards the Sunningrocks "I won't be able to mentor you any further, I am expecting kits" she meowed softly. Whisperingpaw didn't seem visibly upset, but looked down at her paws "I can't wait to meet them, maybe I could mentor one of them when I become a warrior" she mewed, wrapping her tail around her paws.

A pang of relief fell over Chervilfrost as she nuzzled her apprentice. Whisperingpaw's soft yet short fur causing Chervilfrost to purr. Though she couldn't waste any more time on conversation, she needed to train Whisperingpaw in the art of fishing.

"Now we can start the basics of fishing" Chervilfrost purred as she crouched down, her muzzle almost dipped into the water, Whisperingpaw followed her steps carefully. "What should I start with when fishing Chervilfrost?" Whisperingpaw asked

Chervilfrost moved her eyes to her apprentice speaking softly "make sure that you do not cast any shadows over the water, the fish can sense the sudden shade" she whispered. Whisperingpaw flattened her posture, lowering her ears to make herself more sleek.

As the fish swam past Whisperingpaw focused on them individually, until Chervilfrost spoke again "unsheathe your claws and be prepared to swoop a fish that swims close to the surface, make sure it is away from the shore"  she explained quietly.

Whisperingpaw nodded and followed the shadows of the fish as they darted past, she spotted a small carp moving upwards towards ther surface, the glint of her claws quickly swiping up the fish, Whisperingpaw pressed the fish against the ground. Chervilfrost turned to Whisperingpaw "now bite it on the neck, it is the fastest way to kill"

With a swift bite, the fish's thrashing came to a quick stop and Whisperingpaw lifted the fish high and purred. Chervilfrost grinned "nice catch Whisperingpaw!" She mewed with glee.

The calico she-cat turned her amber eyes towards the Sunningrocks once more, she began to notice to water in the river rising only slightly, she narrowed her eyes, now feeling a piercing feeling of worry strike her.

But her thoughts were cut off from the yowl of Longhornstar "All cats old enough to swim through the pulsing rapids gather beneath the wet rock for a clan meeting!" She heard him yowl. "Quickly Whisperingpaw, me might be late for the meeting" Chervilfrost laughed.

Though something kept stinging in her mind, the rising river could me a flood over the Sunningrocks, that was her only way to see Sunchirp, so she knew that after this meeting, she had to leave as fast as she could.

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