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"I said top not number two" I shouted making Lisa jump off her sit and Luka sited comfortably does he think this a joke

"I will fix it" Luka said

"When , How  you are so incompetent" I stared daggers at him

"Give me time I will fix it " he said raising his voice back

"Are you talking to me that way Luka "

" Calm down  and stop being impatient I said I will fix it "

"Since when did you start talking back at me in the office" I said punching him in the face

"Since when you decided to be an impatient asshole " he said punching me back

"You are fi--- "

Alessio and Joe stormed into my office

Joe went to attend to Luka

While Alessio dragged me out off my office

"What the f*ck is wrong with you?"

"You hit Luka, you hit your younger brother that you have been protecting all your life, you gave made him bleed,you hurt him, you acted like a coward you acted like your father " he said screaming at me 

I immediately turned towards him

"How dare you how dare u compare me too that son of a b**** "  I said throwing a punch he blocked it

I threw more he blocked them

"Have you become that weak how are you going to protect your mum and her legacy"


I turned around and started punching the wall

If I look at Alessio I'm going to send him to his grave

"Stop channeling your energy towards people that are trying to help you "

"Luka hasn't slept for days trying to get your company back on top be grateful. You are to work with him and help get your Empire back on top not fight with your younger brother. Do it for you, for him and for your mum "

"And don't forget your promise to your mum "

He said and walked away .......

Another chapter done !!!!

Yes it's true Luka is Regan's younger brother 😊😊

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