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I got home after lunch with Becky
I took a quick shower and went to the cinema room to watch a movie Mr Arizona ruined my day

But I won't let such a mannerless person

I was walking down the hallway with popcorn in my hands

"Sissy " Ellie screamed running towards me

This is not going to end well

She jumped on me I lost my balance and we both fell with popcorn all over us

"My little princess seems very happy today "

"Yes sissy my teacher said I'm the best student In my class "

"That's right and you are the best younger sister ever " I said to her

"And you too sissy" I laughed and pecked her on her cheeks

Can we watch frozen together

Off course we can let's clean this up first and get some more popcorn

Annie one of the maids help me clean up while I got more popcorn 

She sat on the couch next to me as I put the movie and we both started watching

I looked at her while she watched the movie

Ellie Is so precious to me she is more of a daughter than a sister

I was lost in thoughts when Matt walked in

"Hi" he said

"Hey Matt"

"Let me take her to her room" he said 

"No it's okay I will do that "

He took a sit beside us

I remember it like it was yesterday


Dad mum's water just broke aunt and uncle are rushing her to the hospital " I said to my dad over the phone

" Okay mia just stay at home with Matt I will be at the hospital with them okay?

Yes daddy I said as the call ended

Dad didn't come back that night his phone was switched off through .

He later came back 2 days after with a baby girl

I asked about mum , aunt and even uncle

" I'm sorry mia they couldn't save them they had an accident on the way to the hospital "

I and Matt cried till we sleep off  every night

I had to take care of Ellie I had to be a mother to her not a sister

I love Ellie so much she is an angel mum left with us  Im happy ellie survived the accident

End of flashback*

I took Ellie to my room and laid her on the bed as I also slept off beside her

I woke to someone tapping me

"Mia I want to talk to you " dad said I stood up and followed him to his office ( at home)

"Another meeting has been rescheduled with Mr Arizona , a day after tomorrow."

"I don't want to be present at that meeting" I said to him I don't want to see his face at least for now

"You have too , in two months time you will take over so you need to be ready for it"

"I'm ready dad and you know it "

"You are going to be in that meeting and you are going to behave"

"I'm only asking you to do what is right for the company Mia "


"Good girl

I know dad knows what's right for business but that fool is just too arrogant

Another chapter done
5th chapter today you guys are getting spoilt 😊😊

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Lots of love 💕💕

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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