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"What the fuck is going on here we have been here for over an hour and they are not here yet this is so unprofessional " I said getting tired of just sitting here

" Is this a joke to them "

" Mia calm down may be  something came up " dad said

"And they couldn't call is this how we are going to conduct business"

"Sir , Ma'am, Mr Regan Arizona and his team are here " Olivia the receptionist said 

"Okay they should come in "

" Mia behave " my dad said to me in a stern voice

Not too long 5 people walked in 4 guys and a girl

He is hotter in person

"Holy shit"

Everyone turned to me I didn't realize I said that out loud

" My tummy hurts a bit "

I could only recognize one of the guys his younger brother

"Good day may we commence "

" We may but " my dad gave me that face

I won't let this mannerless fool get away with keeping us waiting for over an hour

"We expect an apology for keeping us waiting"

"We apo......." His brother started but was cut of by Regan

"We won't apologize "

" You have too if not"

"If not what Miss luthra " he said looking straight at me

"Turn down the proposal" he chuckled

" Mr Luthra this is our proposal" he said collecting the document from the young lady and handing it over to Dad

" Please go through it, think about it and fix your daughters attitude"

"You are the one that obviously needs their attitude fixed"

"Miss Luthra I will love to remind you that you need this deal more than I do "

"Ass hole" I muttered making Phoebe chuckle

My dad glared at us

"Mr luthra if she continues we will likely withdraw our proposal we can't work with such a spoilt brat "

What did he just call me

"She is just having a bad day " Dad said

"I can see that"  he said with a smirk

I stood up and walked out of the conference room


Another chapter done !!!!

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Thanks lots of love

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