Gang member: Ay boss we got ourselves some trespassers whaddya want us to do with them.
Konu leader: Mmm give them a reason not to come back.
Gang member: *snickering* This will be fun.
*Later that day*
Centorro leader: So how's our defenses looking.
Centorro member: looks like it'll scare anyone off!
Centorro leader: I don't just want to scare them off I want to be able to defend this place after all we are powerful.
Centorro member: oh yah sorry boss we just finished setting up the last mini gun
at the front of the base.Centorro leader: good
Don't want anyone getting in.Gang member:of course not boss.
Centorro leader: *shoots him* shut up.
*then somone walks Into the room*
Stranger:I've got an idea *snickers*
To be continued in the next chapter chapter 3!