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Next on the call list is my girlfriend, who will be worried sick about me. I dial her number and let it ring once, then hang up. I do the same thing again but let it ring twice. It's a code to let her know it's me. A simple and ineffective code but she likes it.

Gina isn't exactly part of the organisation. She witnessed a rival gang commit murder in an alley and I happened to also see this. The plan was to report the rival gang to the police and give them everything they needed to take the gang down, which included Gina's testimony. It was my job to keep her safe until then. One thing lead to another and the rest is history as they say. After everything happened, Gina was allowed to work and stay at the Arcanum, just in case our rivals returned. This suited both of us just fine, although she hates when I get hurt.

The phone rings and I immediately pick it up.

"Hey love, how are you?" I say sweetly.

"You scared me! I told you to be careful!" I can hear the worry in her voice. I hate making her worry but it's part of the job.

"I know, I know but I'll be home soon and you can really let me have it then, ok?". I don't know how true that statement is, but for Gina, I'd do anything to see her.

"And how do you plan on getting home? Word is the boss left you stranded. Do I need to come to the rescue?" She teased. At least she sounds better.

"Ha ha very funny. I'll be fine love. I promise I'll be by your side in no time. Then we can really have some fun". I know how to push her buttons just as she knows how to push mine. Gina's button is the thought of everything I can do to her and everything I already have done.

"You better be right darling, or mommy won't be happy" and with that she hangs up. I can picture her smiling now. That beautiful smile. Gina knows my weakness.

Well, if that isn't motivation then nothing is. Time to go home, I smile.

First, I'll need crutches. Then a boat ride. The airlines won't take me without a plaster cast and even then I would have to wait 48 hours. By then I could be half way home. To Gina.

The crutches I can handle easily enough. Three strips of wood nailed together with some glue and duct tape works perfectly fine. The boat and getting to said boat is a little trickier.

Maybe Alice knows someone. I shout her down to help me back to the mattress and ask. She has a few favours she can call in but in her own words I'm "going to either regret asking or owe me double what you already do". Trust me, that's a lot to begin with. But it's all worth it to see my love again.

A few days later, I'm on a boat with a man named Caspian. He seems to know what he's doing which is good as I am in no state to help. The journey to the Arcanum is smooth and peaceful for the most part.

We use the boat entrance to get into the Arcanum. It's built into a cliff side, covered by vines to hide it more. I bade Caspian goodbye and rushed as fast as I could to the living area of the Arcanum to see Gina. After many twists and turns through the corridors, I came to the living area. It was a tall circular room with a domed ceiling that let light in from outside. Each level of the room had 5 pod like rooms for people to live in. The centre of the room is a beautiful courtyard with a fountain. It's very cosy for a criminal society.

Mine and Gina's pod is on the third floor but she is sat on the stairs waiting for me. She notices me standing here and jumps up to embrace me. I never what to leave her arms.

Finally, I am home. Finally, I am safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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