Chapter 8 ~ Very important meetings

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After Sportacus promptly left, you shortly followed. Getting dressed and quickly gathering your things, you head down the ladder, and start walking back to yours.
However once you reach the bottom of the ladder, you turn round to be face to face with your brother, standing with his arms crossed and eyebrows raised; giving you a knowing look.

"hey rob. you alright?" you ask, trying to move on from the fact he just saw you leave sportacus' house, with your things. "Me? Oh yes, i'm just splendid!..." he sarcastically remarks "...and what about you, little sister, hmm? Are you alright?" his response seems agitated, making you feel uncomfortable. Shifting on your feet, you look down avoiding eye contact "yeahhh im fine" you nod, clearing your throat. "Not in pain? That looks painful." Robbie asks, you look up at him with confusion "huh?" you push. Rolling his eyes, he whips his index finger up and points at your neck. Towards one of the many raw marks sportacus left on you last night. Instinctively your hand flys to conceal it.
"EXPLAIN!" Robbie yells.

Darting your eyes around your surroundings, checking no one is near by, you swiftly drag your brother into a nearby bush, concealing you both in the shrubbery. "Shut up would you!" you spit back at him, his eyes wide and his eyebrows furrowed in a deep frown.

Robbie clears his throat "Let me ask this..." he straightens up, preparing for what he's going to say "...have you been canoodling with the enemy?"

you stare at your older brother with a look of disgust plastered on your face "do you have to put it like that?"

"Y/N! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PLAN?!" he screams, your hand flys to his mouth. "SHHH! I was sticking to the plan. I promise! but things got alittle...complicated..." you shrug "and he just showed up in his little blue super suit, with his muscular arms exposed and his stupid hot accent...and stupid charming smile...." you zone out, only to be snapped out of it by your brother clamping his teeth into your hand "OUCH" you scream, pulling away and rubbing your hand.

Abruptly, you and Robbie both hear fast paced steps, running, in your direction. Not seeing anyone as you are shielded by the bushes, you both slowly turn your heads the direction of the noise, expecting someone to run past you. However, someone shoves their hands in the bushes and parts them.

"I'm here to help yo- Y/N? Robbie?" Sportacus stands, towering over you both with a confused frown on his face. Cute.
"yes?" Robbie frustratedly questions, as if nothing he is doing is suspicious. "Sportacus!" You exclaim, trying to act natural. You and Sportacus lock eyes, neither of you breaking away. Robbie looks back and forth between the both of you, unimpressed "can we help you sportaloon?" he rolls his eyes "we were in the middle of a very serious meeting!".

"Someone was in trouble?" he deeply states, confusion present in his voice. "Oh! that was probably me, Rob bit my hand" you say pointing to your brother, who is grinning at you, turning he shrugs at Sportacus. "Are you hurt Y/N?" he queries, his face displaying concern, ignoring your brother. "Me...yeah I'm fine, rob can do no harm" you giggle to yourself.

Concern never leaves Sportacus' face. He softly grabs your hand, inspecting it for a wound. "See, she's fine! Now shoo!" Robbie says, shooing Sportacus away with his hands, attempting to push him, but he won't budge. Sportacus never let's go of your hands, he is almost reluctant too. "I'm fine Sportacus" you reassuringly say. Sportacus nods and let's go of your hand, resuming his power pose, hands on his hips "right then. I shall leave you to your very important meeting" he smiles, turning and flipping away.

You turn your attention back to your brother, who was dusting himself off and removing the leafs from his suit. "Rob I'm sorry, this was not how I plan-" you start pleading before Robbie interrupts "You're damn well right this isn't how it was planned!" he says mockingly "I should've just done it by myself!" Robbie stomps his foot, waves his arms about in disgust and struts in the opposite direction "Robbie!" you yell after him but he doesn't stop "I know I screwed up!"

"Good! I can save my breath telling you then!" He yells back still walking away. You decide it's best to let him go. Cool down. You'll try to talk to him later.

Walking round the entire circumference of the town. You start thinking about everything that has happened since you came to LazyTown, in such as small amount of time. Hoping the walk will clear your head.
Hours later: You notice that the sun has set. Realising that you've been doing laps of the entire town all day, you thought it best you head home.

Retrieving your keys from your pocket, and unlocking the front door. You push it open and hear a crinkly noise. Looking down you see a note, which you assume was pushed through the letter box. Reaching down and picking it up, you walk over to the kitchen, throwing your keys on the island, and leaning your back up against it. Unfolding the note, your eyes scan over it:

Dear y/n,
After consideration, I have realised that it is immoral to continue what we have.
You are hindering me from my duties of town hero. Taking to much of my time which should be dedicated to citizens of LazyTown.
I'm addition, I would prefer to not be involved in, or the cause of any family disputes, between you and Robbie Rotten.
Your brother is my enemy and he always will be.
I hope you can understand,

Sportacus be continued

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