Chapter 2 ~ Meet Cute

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Robbie spends a good hour explaining to his sister, the reasons why and how he, or they, will get Sportacus to leave LazyTown forever. Obviously, Y/N doesn't have anything personal against this sporty guy, but her big brother hates him, and she has nothing better to do, so, why not!

"I'm in!" Y/N exclaims over the phone "This 'Sportaflop' guy sounds full of himself anyway!"

~ A Few Days Later ~

"Hey! That's Cheating!" a young boy with blonde hair yells. Licking a lollipop, he frowns at his friend.

"Actually, Ziggy, she was playing by the official rules" another young boy wearing a yellow suit and red bowtie stands up and joins the confrontation, raising his figure in the face Ziggy, the blonde haired boy.

"Yeah! I'm not cheating just because I'm not playing by your rules, Ziggy!" the girl accused of cheating folds her arms together and frowns, standing up for herself.

"Guys come on!" a girl with bubble-gum pink hair pleads, holding the basketball under her arm.

All four friends stand in the middle of a basketball pitch, all speaking at once, their argument is imperceptible to others. All of a sudden, a man comes flipping and tumbling in, landing perfectly between them all and ending their rowel. He stands, hands placed on his hips, looking down his nose at them all. Breaking his stern character, he softly smiles.

"Can someone tell me what's going on please?" he asks inquisitively, raising his eyebrows.

"Sportacus!" the pink haired girl exclaims.

"Well, Ziggy claimed that I cheated at basket-" Trixie begins to state when she get interrupted

"Well, you did!" Ziggy yells

All the children start arguing again, and speaking at once. Sportacus, still remaining in his power pose, rolls his eyes and deeply chuckles "Hey, Hey, Hey!" his deep voice cuts through the arguing, and once again its silent. Slightly intimidated by Sportacus, the children look up at him in silence, towering over them. Noticing their change in character, he shrinks down to their level, kneeling down next to the pink haired girl, Stephine.

"Guys its ok. Lets just continue playing, there are no winners or losers, and no one is cheating! Lets just have fun!" he softly smiles at the children, who relax and smile back.

"Here, lets re-boost your energy!" he jumps up "Sports Candy!" he exclaims and four apples appear in his hands. He hands the apples to the children, who cheer in response, and start crunching away at the fruit. Sportacus watches the happy children and feels satisfied with his honourable duty, of bringing their friendship back together again.

He is admiring the bright sunny day, as the children chat away, when something, or someone catches his eye.

A willowy young woman, appears standing at the entrance of LazyTown. Peering up at the sign and looking back down at her map. She has long, straight, shiny dark brown hair, which is almost black that frames her face perfectly, and falls just below her waist. Her pale, fair skin is littered with freckles, and her deep green eyes are shielded by dark thick eyelashes. Wearing maroon flares, a black tank top and white trainers with purple accents, she stands placing all her weight on one leg, popping her hip out, and making a beautiful femine curve.

Sportacus is in a trance. He has never seen this women before. She looks up from her map and makes eye contact with his bold blue eyes from afar. Realising he's been caught staring his drops his head, as heat rushes to his cheeks. Next moment he looks up and she's gracefully walking over, softly smiling at him.

He notices the elegant sway of her hips. The way the wind blows her hair back, and how she holds her self with such poise.

"Hey" she says softly, a smile grazing her lip, she never breaks eye contact with the hero

"H-Hello there!" Sportacus replies, slightly stuttering, he's never reacted this way to anyone before. Get a hold of yourself Sportacus, he says to himself.

"I'm new in town. Visiting a friend. And I seem to be a bit lost. You mind helping me?" she innocently asks, looking up at him trough her eyelashes.

"Uh, yeah sure. Tell me where you need to go?" he responds, crossing his arms over his chest, purposefully pushing out his muscles. The woman shows Sportacus the map, pointing to the location she desires to find. He gives her the directions in depth, and turns to smile at her.

"Thank you....?" she says, pushing for his name

"Sportacus. I'm Sportacus" he holds his hand out confidently towards her. In response she softly grabs it and shakes it.

"Sportacus! huh..." Bingo, she thought, so this is the guy?

"I'm Y/N" she gives Sportacus a welcoming smile "Y/N, What a beautiful name!" Sportacus responds with a charming smirk. Y/N looked down at the ground in hopes that he cant see her flushed expression.

"It was great meeting you, and thank you again!" she calmly states with a kind smile

"You're Welcome. I hope to see you again Y/N" Sportacus grins, initiating his power pose

She begins to walk away, swaying her hips womanly, he hair blowing in the wind. She turns round.

"Oh, I'm sure you will" she flirts, once again turning and walking the directions he gave her.

Sportacus is left, standing dumbfounded at his new acquaintance. In awe of her, he is unaware of the giggling children still standing behind him.

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