Chapter 12 ~ Lighter

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Robbie stands, frozen, hand still clasped around the lever.

After hearing yours and Sportacus' body hit the ground, he is in slight disbelief that he has hurt, possibly killed, his little sister.

"Forgive me sister. But someone has to live up to the family name." a lack of remorse lacing his tone.

Slowly, he slips his hand from the lever and turns to leave the basement. Flicking the light off, and locking the door tight behind him.

Seconds turn in to minutes. Minutes turn into hours.

You lay, stiff, on cold concrete floor. Unaware of how far you've fallen, as you can't see anything.

To scared to move in case you discover any breakages or fractures, avoiding pain, you lay listening to the shake of your breath.

"Sport- Sportacus?" You whine praying that he can hear you.

Slowly gathering yourself and sitting up, you can feel the floor is damp. Not being able to see anything you pray that it is water, not blood.

"Sportacus?!" You say with more urgency.

Realising that you truly can't see a single thing, you fumble in your pockets hoping that you kept your lighter with you.

Thankfully you did. Pulling out and flicking on your lighter. The warm hue emits around the dark and dingy space, illuminating a surprising amount.

As soon as your eyes adjust to the light. You look down at your hands and see the dampness on the floor wasn't what you'd first hoped it was.

Soaked in your own blood, in slight desperation, your head darts around the 'room' trying to locate Sportacus. In the distance, you see the faint electric blue of his suit being highlighted by the lighter.

You scramble over "Sportacus?!" grabbing him by his shoulders, you shake him, in an attempt to wake him up. "SPORTACUS!"

It isn't working. He's not responding.

"Come on baby, please!" You can't see that he is bleeding anywhere. Starting CPR, you apply deep compressions on his muscular chest. Blowing air into his lungs. "YOU'RE A SUPER HERO GOSH DAMMIT. WAKE UP!" panicking, your compressions become quicker and more violent. Breaking ribs.

His heart has completely stopped.

Rage and hatred fills you, why did your brother do this, and why would Sportacus leave you now. Not when you only just found him. You deserve more time.


With that, you deliver one final blow to his chest. As hard as you could.

The exact moment your fist meets his chest, his eyes dart open. Sitting up sporadically, coughing, gasping for air. You sit back, sweating and relieved.

Sportacus seethes in pain, as you can hear his ribs cracking and breaking back into place. Healing themselves in a superhuman manner.

"I knew you could do it" he says breathy and hyperventilating, his chest heaving up and down, sweat running down his forehead and neck. His large, veiny, hand cups your cheek perfectly, as you sit, trying to compose yourself, and not break down as you thought you'd lost him. "Just breathe baby. You did so good" he says looking proudly into your eyes, acting like he wasn't just dead 15 seconds ago. Gosh darn superhero.

"Yo- you weren't breathing..." you state, voice wobbling in shock. "I am now angel. Look at me." Your eyes meet his icy blue ones, and a large, toothy smile is plastered on his face "See. Fit as a fiddle" his thumb strokes your cheek gently.
The motion calming you down.

"Also, baby, you didn't need to swear. I heard you" he gently adds, still embracing your eyes with his. "You heard me?" You question.

"The voice of an angel told me to 'get up'...rather aggressively may I add." He lowly chuckles. Smiling proudly at you.

"Yeah well... if you died I'd be pissed off." You answer, rolling your eyes.

"and why's that..." cockily he probes you to answer.

Staring at each other for what seems like forever, you decide now might be the best, or only, time to say how you truly feel.

"Because...I lo-"


Deep, predatory growling fills the surrounding area.

You both realised that you haven't taken in your surroundings. Quickly darting your heads around the room, you both come to conclusion that you, in fact, aren't in a room at all.

But a cave.

A large, dark cave at that.

Sportacus pulls you to your feet in one swift motion, the action makes you grimace and yelp in pain. Safe to say you have a sufficient amount of injuries due to the fall. As you aren't super human, you can't heal as quick as your lover.

Another growl echos through the cave, simultaneously a gust of wind blows from the dominant, largest tunnel of the cave. Both turning your attention to the way of the wind, still being propped up by Sportacus' muscly arms, "wha-what the hell is that...?" You whisper. You turn to face Sportacus, seeing the cogs turning in his head "I don't know. And I don't want to stick around to find out" he turns to look at you, his eyes meeting yours, concern being the most expressed emotion.

Still holding your lighter in front of the both of you, the only source of light, the only source of hope. The metal starts to over heat, burning your hand in the process.

Squealing in pain, you drop the lighter. Hitting the floor, the cap closes in the process, distinguishing the light source. You are both left in total darkness. Holding onto Sportacus as tight as humanly possible.

"Shit" you moan in frustration "Y/N? Where's the lighter gone?" Sportacus pushes softly.

"Ummm...I can't find it" calmly you respond, trying not to panic. A deep sigh comes from next to you "angel, what do you mean you can't find it?" Sportacus tried to keep composure. "DONT. Sigh at me boy...I just saved your li-"

Another growl vibrates through the cave. Yet this time, it was closer, deeper, more evil. Looking up towards the direction of the noise.

You and Sportacus are staring into a void of nothing but darkness, struck frozen in fear, Sportacus is racking his brain, trying to figure out any way to save you, whilst you are trying to find any source of light.

That is until, the only source of light you can see is the glowing yellow eyes that are staring straight back at you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2024 ⏰

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