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It was the day they got back their test finals, but all that was on Mikey's mind was how he and Thadius hadn't talked in months. The professor walked by Mikey and put his test face down on his desk. Mikey was eager and couldn't wait to see his grade. When he flipped the test over, he saw an F and a comment that said try harder next time.

"An F!!!" Mikey didn't mean to display his inside thoughts to the classroom. His face began to turn red as his peers looked at him one by one.

"Yes an F, I saw you clearly didn't try and it's obvious you didn't study." The professor said nonchalantly while handing another student their paper.

"I did try! I studied my butt off! Please! Can I retake the test maybe?" The teacher looked squarely at Mikey. "You know I don't do retakes, I never have and never will." The professor walked back to his desk, almost as if he didn't just single handedly jack up Mikey's grade.

"Oh and also, you should really talk to Thadius. It's a shame your going to let a good friendship go down the drain over a stupid argument. If not physically, how about giving him a call?"

Mikey couldn't believe his ears, how did the professor know him and Thadius were arguing. Then it hit Mikey. It was that big mouthed girlfriend of Thadius'. Mikey never liked her and always warned Thadius of her, but he had to ask her out. Now everything that happens between him and Thadius, also happens with his girlfriend.

"Wow Mikey, not only for the first time do you get a bad grade, but you also lose your best friend. I wonder what else will happen." A classmate had said from the side of him. Mikey was beyond embarrassed, not only did he get an F, but his professor also displayed all of his personal life to his peers.

"Well class is over and I hope you guys have a good rest of your day." The professor said as he eyed Mikey up and down.

As Mikey walked down the hall and checked his school grades, he stopped mid-walk. He peered down at a phone that reflected a 3.0 GPA. Mikey had a 4.0 the week before and didn't know how it made such a gigantic leap to the GPA he saw before him. Mikey couldn't help but wonder if his life was just laughing at him. Taking everything he ever loved away from him. Then almost as if in clockwork, the girl he went out on a date with last week was holding hands with another guy.

"Mindy! I thought you liked our date and I thought you wanted us to see each other more!?" Mindy stopped in her tracks and turned around.

"Mikey look, you're a cool guy and all, but I realized it won't work for us. Me and Brian have more chemistry you know." Mindy said as she angled her shoulder to the guy she was holding hands with.

"Were you dating other guys while you were on a date with me!!?" Mikey said in anger.

"No need to get all angry, whoever said I was committed to you!!? As well, you made me uncomfortable when you asked to take a picture with me." Mikey only took the picture because he thought it would go further and It would serve as a memory for them. Then he realized he had to respect her and decided to let it go.

"You know what you're right, we wouldn't fit with each other. Have a nice life." Then with that, he walked away and within minutes was at his apartment.

As soon as he was concealed in his apartment, he broke down crying. He didn't know why the day ended so badly, but he just wanted it to end. Though, even though it would end. He wouldn't know how deeply ingrained it would be in his mind.

One year later

"Thadius, aren't you looking cute today, so your cuteness won't be wasted. How about you and I go on a date?" A brunette college girl asked Thadius.

"How vain can you sound and as well, I am working on myself. If you really want to date someone. What about my friend Mikey?" Although Mikey knew the girl was in a mindset of plastic, he was sort of hopeful she would date him.

"You know what, I have to go... I uh-have work to do." The brunette girl left Mikey and Thadius in a cloud of dust as she ran as fast as she could down the hall.

"Dam, that was a lousy excuse. Are you okay Mikes." Mikey couldn't do anything but stare at his friend. He was in a nice suit, 6 foot 5 and had a nice chiseled face. It's like his friend went through a metamorphosis. When he used to wear stained shirts with holes, he now wears designer outfits. When he used to act immature, he now acts like his age and some. When he had a small pot belly, he now has a six pack.

"Congratulations on your 5.0 gpa, you know you should really consider being a tutor." Mikey could not believe his ears. Thadius who was the laziest of them all has a 5.0 gpa!!!

"Oh, you meant me right?" The man looked puzzled at Mikey. "You are Thadius right?" Thadius shook his head yes.

"So no, I was not talking to you. I don't even know who you are."

The words the man spoke cracked through Mikey's mind. Upheaving all the insecurities he ever tucked away.

"Sorry for that distraction Thadius". The man said as he scowled at Mikey. "The reason I came over here was to give you an internship opportunity." Thadius' eyes lit up. "I want you to do research with us at BrightHorizon." Thadius started to jump up and down. "Thank you so much Sir! Thank you!" When Mikey got a closer look at the man's face, he realized it was Jaul Vitch. The founder of BrightHorizon. Mikey's role model ever since highschool.

Mikey couldn't help but be jealous of Thadius. It was like Thadius had the whole world wrapped around his finger.

A wave of envy and anger began to wash over Mikey as he realized his backstabbing friend took the position he worked years for.

He always wanted to work at BrightHorizon and he always wanted to be recognized by Jaul.

"Sir, though I broke out in a jumping fit and am truly thankful for this opportunity, I can't." Jaul looked appalled. "And why not! Is it because of this friend of yours? Is his jealousy getting in the way of your success?" Mikey felt as if he was on a doctor's table with his chest open. Vulnerable, out there and bare.

" Mikey isn't jealous of me, what do you mean!" Jaul looked smugly at Thadius and then walked over to Mikey. Then with a swift move, lifted Mikey's shirt up. Revealing rolls of fat.

" Thadius, do you see this, how could he not be jealous of you. He has a one pack while you have six. Not to mention a higher GPA than him." Thadius looked at Mikey pitifully.

"Wait, but you don't know his GPA!!??" Jaul put Mikey's shirt down and some of the neighboring students who saw were laughing.

"Actually I do. As I was talking to you, I remembered it was Thadius Brunson. A boy who has a 2.5 GPA. How are you even still in college? My daughter could do better than you and she's a sophomore in highschool. If you're wondering where I got your gpa. That's what the student records are for. Anyhow, please don't let this bum stop you from making a huge decision. Here, I will give you my card and I hope to hear from you." Mikey felt as If someone chopped his body in pieces and left him to figure out how to put himself back together.

Jaul walked away and the further he got away from them. The stronger Mikey's resentment toward him grew.

"That dude was a jerk. Those things he said to you weren't true. So don't let it get to your head. How about I pay for us some ice cream. Also if you needed help with any classes, you should have told me." Mikey just looked emptily into his eyes.

"So is that a no on icecream?" Mikey still didn't answer. "You know what, it's clear you're still processing what happened. So I will give you space." Thadius walked away and Mikey couldn't help but feel how good it would be to be Thadius.

Real as plastic (A Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now