Chapter 2

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Hello minna~

I just want to thank everyone who actually followed this story. It may not seem like much but it means a lot to me.

I am also going to include other Fairy Tail members in this story, don't you worry. It will not just include the characters from the prologue. Just that those are going to be the characters that you see a lot of.

Anyway, here's the newest chapter!

"You're a what?" Lucy exclaimed. Lisanna sat across from her on the old sofa. She stared down at a cup of tea that rested in her hands. The small glass shook at the sudden outburst from the blonde.

Lisanna winced at the noise but quickly regained her composure. She repeated herself, but more clearly, "I am a princess. The princess of Magnolia Kingdom to be exact."

Lucy stared at the girl in disbelief. It was completely absurd. Impossible. But her best friend's attire supported the idea. She placed her own glass of tea onto the table beside them. "I'm sorry, Lisanna, but you must understand how hard that is for me to believe."

She laughed softly into her hand as she spoke, "I suppose it is pretty impossible. Sometimes, even I don't believe that I could be a princess. But nonetheless I am. Here, I'll prove it to you."

Lisanna paused for a moment and began to shuffle through the hems of her dress. The blonde watched in confusion as she searched for something within the folds of her dress.

"Lisanna, I don't know what you're looking for, but I can assure you that it wouldn't be―" Lucy reached out for the girl's arm but abruptly stopped when she brought her hand out from within her dress and reached for the air.

"I found it!" She screeched rather loudly, thus startling her friend. She opened her palm and revealed a small pin rested in her hand. The pin was shaped like a fairy with a tail and beak. Atop the fairy laid a golden crown. The outer frame of the pin was decorated in intricate vines the crossed over one another. "See, it's the royal emblem."

Lucy's eyes widened at the small object. Although she lived on the outskirts of the kingdom, even she knew what such a pin meant. These pins were only worn by those who were directly related to the royal family. There wasn't any possible way you could get your hands on such a thing without being killed first.

"" She stuttered at a loss for words. Lisanna smiled at her and quickly pushed the pin back into the folds of her dress. It was like she used the folds as pockets. What else does she have in their? Lucy thought for a moment before turning to her friend.

She shrugged, "I told you I was a princess."

Lucy groaned loudly and dropped her head into her hands. Her head was really starting to hurt now. Plue came scampering into the room and rubbed his head against the farmer's leg. A smile curled on to her mouth as she watched the dog jump onto the couch and rest his chin against her leg.

"Alright, so you're a....princess." She shook her head, trying to rid the disbelief in her voice. Her hand began to scratch Plue behind his ear. "But why would you be here? No offense, but that doesn't seem like something royalty would do."

Lisanna stiffened suddenly, but her shoulders sagged slowly. "I need you help, Lucy."

She looked at her questioningly. "You need help.....from me?" Lucy repeated her words aloud for clarification. She probably just heard her wrong. Lisanna nodded, not daring to meet her eyes. "But why?"

The princess bit her lower lip and stared desperately at her hands. Lisanna squeezed her eyes shut and whispered just loud enough for her to hear, "The kingdom is in trouble."

Lucy stared at her, which she seemed to be doing a lot today, and reached out for her hand. Suddenly, she remembered hearing something about it last week when she went into the villiage.


The blonde grumbled as she stalked out of the store holding a newly bought rake. "800 jewel for a single, crappy rake? That is just absurd!" She was about to throw it when she heard a deep voice speak from behind her.

"I wouldn't do that, Lucy. It'll just make you waste your money."

"Shut up, Bixlow." She growled as she spun around and came face to face with an older male. He was a local farmer that, like her, lived just a few miles away from the small village. There were quite a few other farmers like them, but most were old men with large families and workers. Both of them were young adults that owned their farms independently.

"Now what's got you so angry this time, sis?" he asked and grabbed the rake from the girl. He poked the edges with his forefinger and watched as they would spring back. Bixlow acted like an older brother to Lucy, and she acted like a little sister to him.

She snatched the rake from his hands and began waving it around her in the air. "My old rake finally broke out on me after three years. So I came here to get a new one when this criminal sold the only one left for 800 jewels!" Lucy wanted nothing more than to use her rake to go and beat the snot out of the shop owner.

"800, for this old thing?" Bixlow laughed as she began to angrily rake the ground.

"This thing will probably only last a week. Look, the prongs are already bending!" She pointed at the tips of the rake. She collapsed onto the ground in a huff of exhaustion. "Why would it be so expensive anyway. It used to be only 200 jewel!"

Bixlow shrugged and sat down next to her. "Its probably because of what's going on in the kingdom." He paused and watched in amusement as Lucy became highly confused.

"What happened in the kingdom?" she asked him. Lucy didn't hear anything about the kingdom. Although, she doesn't even know who the royal family is, so it's to be expected.

He explained, "Well, the kingdom is in a great debt. They owe money to a lot of other countries. So in order to gain some more jewels, they have to raise taxes. They're even marrying the princess of to the prince of Fiore."

Bixlow frowned at the last part. His eyes dropped to his hands the clenched in his lap. Lucy noticed his reaction but decided to ignore it. It was probably nothing.

She nudged his shoulder playfully, "And how do you know all of that. You're practically as isolated as I am."

He laughed deeply and ruffled the blonde's hair with his free hand. "I have my resources, Lucy. All you need to know is the information I get."

Flashback End

"You're being married off, right?" Lucy asked her. Her eyes widened at the question.

She nodded, "Yeah, how did you know?"

Lucy smiled at her and tightened her grip on the girl's hand. "I have my resources." She quoted her dear friend. Lisanna smiled a wiped away a tear forming in the corner of her eye.

"Mysterious as ever, I see. I really did miss you, Lucy." She smirked at her friend. Lucy felt her heart warm up in her chest.

"I'll help you."


Lucy cleared her throat, "I said I'll help you. I can't really leave a friend when they're in need of help, can I?"

The princess gasped at her friend. "You will?" Lucy nodded."Oh thank you, Lucy! Thank you!" She launched herself at Lucy and wrapped her arms around her neck. The blonde gasped at the sudden interaction but slowly wrapped her arms around the girl's waist.

After a few minutes, Lucy spoke softly to Lisanna. "So how are we getting you back to the kingdom?"

"Oh crap."

Newest chapter finished! I am sorry for the late update. I have a ton of homework that I need to catch up on, as well as finals.

Next chapter you will see some of the people from the guild! Be excited.


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2015 ⏰

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