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Neymar walked into his house after a long day of school. Usually, a normal high schooler would hug their parents, eat dinner, do homework, then fall asleep. That, of course, is not the case for poor Neymar da Silva Santos Jr.

Neymar walked into his house, not home, and quickly ran upstairs to his bedroom. His father was in the bathroom so he could at least put his stuff down before getting yelled at or beaten. Unless his father wasn't drunk or he was in a good mood, which was extremely rare. Neymar set his backpack down and put his phone on silent. Neymar would've locked his door and stayed in his room until his father went to bed, if he had one. Neymar quickly drank water, an energy drink, and ate leftover steak from the night before. Neymar tried to look busy when his father came out of the bathroom and to the kitchen. Immediately Neymar started to hold his breath hoping for 1 day of mercy. "Get out of my sight before I near damn punch you, Junior." Neymar sighed and went to his room. He jumped into his bed, happy that his dad hadn't hurt him or called him horrible names. What a relief, hopefully, every day from then on was like that for Neymar.

Lionel Messi was sitting outside his house watching the sunset. He felt sad for no reason, well actually, there was a reason, were reasons.

Lionel felt worthless, and annoying, and clingy, and jealous, and like the worst person ever to exist. His friend group never texted back as quickly as he did or cared about his issues as he does, his school grades were slowly deteriorating, and he was a hopeless romantic. Sure, his issues weren't as bad as other people's but they were bad enough to make him want to kill himself.

Lionel was called into dinner. Was he gonna eat? No, but was he going in there and causing everyone to feel pity for him? Yes. Lionel walked into his house, and his parents immediately hugged and greeted him. His home felt warm and comfortable, his parents were caring and happy, and even his dog was getting its best life.

Lionel's world wasn't broken, only Lionel was broken.

Neymar left the house at 5:00 AM ready to walk 5 miles just to go to the place where he least wanted to be. School. Neymar stopped at the convenience store to buy energy drinks and a quick breakfast. He ate and then continued walking.

Neymar arrived at school 10 minutes late.

His whole day sucked ass but he was excited about football practice. Possibly his last one.

After his practice, he had a lot to say in the locker rooms. "Guys." Everyone turned their attention to Neymar who was tying his shoes. "I'm gonna miss you guys." Everyone got confused. "What do you mean miss? We have practice tomorrow, smart one." Kylian Mbappé replied jokingly, "I know. I'm just saying if I'm not there." Everyone shrugged still confused as to why Neymar was being sentimental. "Wanna hang out today? We could go get ice cream." Marquinhos asked everyone. Most of Neymar's teammates said yes and when Neymar didn't answer everyone looked at him. "No thanks." He replied politely, "I have other plans."

After everyone left, Neymar made his way to the rooftop of the school. Students weren't allowed there, but Neymar wasn't planning on the teachers finding him quick enough to yell at him. Fortunately, Neymar's plans were ruined when he saw a small Argentine about to jump. Neymar sat on the edge of the roof, his legs dangling in the air. The Argentine looked down at Neymar and sat down too.

"Don't," Neymar said. The 2 guys looked straight ahead. "Why not? You're probably here for the same reason."

"How'd you know," Neymar replied sarcastically. They sat in silence until the Argentine spoke again, "We could jump together." Neymar looked at the sad boy sitting next to him. He wondered about his pains. "I'll rather not have any of us die. At least not today." He saw the boy wipe tears from his eyes. "What's your name?"

"Lionel. Lionel Messi." Lionel looked at Neymar waiting for him to say his name too. "I'm Neymar Jr, or just Neymar. Everyone calls me Neymar."

"Oh. So you're that star football player, huh?" Neymar nodded. "Why would you want to kill yourself? Everyone loves you." Neymar got slightly angry, but he calmed him down by telling himself that there was no way for Lionel to know what was going on at home. "Home... stuff. Now tell me why YOU would wanna kill yourself?" Lionel shrugged not bothering to make eye contact with Neymar. "Life is too hard."

"Honestly." Agreed Neymar. There was silence again.

"We should go," said Neymar, "both of our plans are ruined, anyway." Lionel nodded and stepped away from the edge of the roof.

Lionel and Neymar stood outside of the school feeling the cooling autumn breeze on their skin. "Don't kill yourself, Leo."

"Same goes to you, Ney...?"

"Mar." Finished Neymar, "Ney is fine too." Lionel hesitated, "Can I... can I hug you?" He asked. Neymar opened his arms, "Please do. I haven't gotten one in years." Lionel hugged Neymar and whispered, "Thank you for saving me today."

"Thank you, also, Leo."

My Star to my Moon 🌙|NeymessiWhere stories live. Discover now