Helped 🌙

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Lionel woke up to the sound of the loud city. He got up from his warm bed feeling confused. He didn't know what time he ended up falling asleep despite being on his phone for more than half the night. He felt as if he got no sleep at all, which was only half true.

His parents had already left for work leaving Lionel waiting by the bus stop getting soaked by the rain. When the bus came Lionel sat in the back looking at the landscape change from the window. He was surrounded by all his friends but he still felt alone and unseen.

Soon, the bus stopped in front of the school. Lionel followed the crowds to his locker and his first-class like a little white sheep. While on the way to his first class, he stumbled across Neymar. Neymar was smiling and laughing with all his teammates from football and other friends. Lionel couldn't believe that that was the same dude who was about to commit suicide just the day before. Lionel was about to wave at Neymar but quickly changed his mind and put his hand back in the pockets of his windbreaker. Neymar was happy, maybe he didn't want to be reminded about yesterday afternoon.

During Neymar's lunch period, he noticed Lionel follow his friends and football teammates walk into the lunch room. Neymar never noticed he and Lionel had the same lunch period. Neymar kept glancing at Lionel the whole lunch period secretly wanting Lionel to notice him. Neymar watched Lionel as he poked at his food, he wasn't eating. 'Maybe that's why he's so skinny.' Neymar rolled his eyes at his thoughts, 'Of course that's the reason.' Neymar also saw Lionel occasionally trying to speak but then getting interrupted. Neymar wanted to go talk to him but he needed an actual reason. As Neymar was thinking he heard his name being called. "Neymar? You there?" Asked Hakimi. Neymar nodded, "Yeah what's up?"

"You're quiet today." Said Kylian. "Not just quiet, he's been glancing at staring at that Messi guy for the past 20 minutes," Sergio Ramos added while opening a banana. Neymar rubbed his neck, embarrassed to have been caught. "So what's up with him, Neymar?" Asked Marquinhos. "Nothing! Just... you know."

"We don't know, Neymar," Kylian stated. Neymar shrugged, "Aren't we playing against his team soon? I'm just making sure they aren't planning anything." Everyone looked at Neymar suspiciously. "You guys," Neymar whined, "it's nothing deep. I swear on my life!"

"Are you sure you aren't in love with him?" Sergio asked laughing. Neymar gasped and shook his head, "What?! No! Unless..." Everyone laughed at Neymar's joke and changed the subject. Neymar sighed and glanced at Lionel one last time. 'It's time to make him feel worth it.' Neymar thought.

Lionel walked out of school about to get on the school bus for the 2nd time but then was quickly stopped when he felt someone tap his shoulder. Lionel flinched and turned around. "Oh. It's just you," Lionel said sighing. "Yup, just same old me," Replied Neymar, "Hey. So, I saw you at lunch and... I was wondering if you wanted to talk?" Lionel shrugged, "About?"

"You know... you seem like you need someone to talk to. I mean- after yesterday you know- you seem sad...-and lonely." Lionel felt like it was nearly impossible to interrupt yourself that many times. "Not here right?" asked Lionel looking around and then back up at Neymar who was now grinning. "Of course not here." Neymar looked at Lionel's small pale hands. "May I?" Lionel put out his hand for Neymar to hold, confirming his question. Neymar grabbed his hand and led him to an isolated playground.

Lionel sat on a swing by Neymar and shyly stared at his dirty sneakers. "Are you always like you were at lunch today?"

"I guess," Lionel answered, "I feel like I'm annoying so I don't really talk if that's what you're asking about." Neymar looked at Lionel, "Oh yeah? I don't find you annoying." Lionel looked at Neymar attempting eye contact but immediately failing. "That makes me feel a whole lot better."

"Seriously, Leo. I wanna get to know you, see where our friendship takes us," Neymar smirked, "hopefully somewhere special." Lionel wanted to believe Neymar's words but it took him some contemplating. "How cute."

"Like you," Neymar replied to Lionel's sarcasm. Neymar smiled at Lionel's redding skin. The poor boy was so pale it was impossible to hide it. Lionel covered his face with his hands, "Oh shut up, Ney." Neymar laughed, "Okay okay, I'll stop. So, you're skinny." Neymar reached to poke Lionel's rib cage. He could easily count all of Lionel's ribs without even trying. Lionel grabbed Neymar's lingering hand. The second he did that he regretted it. "Is it because you don't eat?" Lionel grimaced, why was he so easy to read? "I mean, I do eat. Just not, you know, like the average person." Neymar traced circles on Lionel's hand, soothing him. "I'm gonna help you, okay? Or try, I don't know. I don't know you or barely anything about you, but I'm gonna make you happy. I will know you. You're going through a lot, you shouldn't go through it alone." Lionel looked at Neymar with his warm brown eyes silently thanking him. "Thank you, Ney. The same goes for you. Sincerely." Neymar smiled at Lionel.

Neymar arrived at his house, nervous as usual. The second his father saw him, he threw something at Neymar. Not unusual. It was a beer glass. Neymar winced in pain. His palms were bleeding from the glass shards, and his right cheek was bleeding too. "The fuck did I do this time?!"

"You're late, Junior." Neymar was slapped across the face after his father said that. "Language, also. Don't talk to your old man like that."

"Fair," Neymar whispered under his breath.

After about an hour Neymar went up to his room with 9 new bruises, 5 new cuts that were definitely gonna leave scars, and a rash on his cheek. His dad wasn't even gonna go to work that night.

Neymar didn't know much about the world, but he knew that it was gonna be a long night for him.

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