Keywords 🌙

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Neymar wasn't walking to school anymore, he was driving a car.
He didn't have to wake up so early anymore and he could even pick up Lionel so they could get to school together. That is exactly what was on Neymar's mind.
He stopped by the gas station to actually get gas for the first time. Neymar's day was going great.

Who knew that getting gas could make you feel so good?

Neymar's car wasn't new and it wasn't much of anything. That didn't matter to him. He treated his car like his newborn child. 
After only a day of having his car, he made the atmosphere feel like somewhere where the great Neymar Jr would hang out. The air freshener smelt like the cologne he wears, there were already energy drinks scattered on the floor, and he already scratched the outside of his car. It was perfectly perfect. 
Neymar got to school early that day.
It almost seemed like his life was getting better. Keyword: Almost

"Neymar, man." Kylian jogged to Neymar with Archaf by his side. "You got a new ride," Archaf pointed at the keys in Neymar's hand. "Hell yeah."

"Sick," Kylian said. "Is that what you were up to yesterday? Your lover boy asked about you," Kylian added the last part because he knew Neymar would get all giggly and stuff. "Leo?! He actually did?! And yeah." 

"Fuck yeah, he looked concerned," Neymar caught Lionel's eyes in the crowd. He was talking to Luis Suárez. Lionel looked away first and continued to look at Luis. Neymar always won the staring contests. "That's dope." 'He really does care', thought Neymar. "Really? We were all pretty terrified. We thought you got kidnapped," Archaf responded, "you usually don't just disappear like that."

"I mean not the concerning part, you know? Just like the part where you guys cared."

"Of course, we care. We care about you just like you care about all of us, homie," Kylian cringed. "Can we stop being cheesy?" he asked.
Maybe life was getting better. Keyword: Maybe.


Neymar was sitting in Lionel's living room. They were trying to watch a movie. Keyword: trying. They commented on parts of the movie and their comments soon turned into conversions. The conversations were always interrupted by funny scenes coming up at the climax of the conversation. 
"That shade of lipstick is pretty nice, not even gonna lie," Neymar commented as a middle-aged woman put on lipstick on the TV screen. "Right," Lionel agreed. "I wish chapstick was that easy to put on," Neymar sighed. "Like how lipstick gives pigment right away, I wish chapstick would make your lips smooth right away." Neymar rubbed the back of his neck, "Nevermind, it's stupid." Lionel put Neymar's arm down, "No it's not, actually. I feel you." Neymar watched Lionel as he put chapstick on. He got a bright idea. "My lips are actually so chapped right now, on God."

"Oh, do you want chapstick?" Lionel handed Neymar his chapstick but Neymar handed it back. Neymar gently held Lionel's chin to pull him closer. He planted a kiss on Lionel's lips. 
He was using his tongue this time around, he pushed his tongue down Lionel's throat. Neymar's hands were softly holding Lionel's hands as their tongues explored each other's mouths. Lionel's lips were soft against Neymar's still-chapped lips. 
Neymar started getting rougher though he let Lionel get a breath before he went in stronger. 
A string of saliva was still connecting Neymar and Lionel. 
"Ew gross. The saliva, I mean," Lionel's panting was turning Neymar on. He imagined himself fucking Lionel until the sun rose as they grew clammy and sweaty in bed. 
Lionel took Neymar's comment from the day before as a joke but he meant it. Maybe Lionel would let Neymar into him. Maybe Neymar could advance further than a French kiss. Keyword: Maybe. Neymar got to work on Lionel's neck. "I want your body to be mine for tonight, Leo," he whispered into Lionel's ear. Lionel hummed in response. "It's always been yours, Neymar," Lionel slightly stretched Neymar's name out. 

Lionel led Neymar to his room. "When are your parents getting home?"

"Tomorrow morning," Lionel started taking his shirt off. His stomach was toned as well as his legs. Neymar enjoyed seeing Lionel naked from every angle. He had access to every inch of his body. This way, he could see how much more healthy Lionel's body was already looking way more easily. Neymar took off his shirt, exposing the tattooed initials on his ribs. Lionel felt slightly insecure as he looked at Neymar's body.
Sure, they were both toned but Neymar just looked healthier when it came to weight. Lionel had put on a noticeable amount of weight but he didn't weigh as much as other teenage boys his age yet. "You're beautiful, Lionel." Never mind, he was the most confident teenage boy to ever step foot on the Earth's surface. 

Neymar was ready to give Lionel the best night of his life. 
And the best sex he'll ever have. 
"You're all mine."
Neymar watched Lionel nod to his statement.
His life was definitely getting better. Keyword: Definitely.

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