Just a Boy 🌙

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Neymar was contemplating whether to get up in the morning. That day was so much more different from the day before.
It wasn't horrible but it definitely ended in a tragedy. Or something like that. 

The day was going by slowly and it was boring. Maybe it was for a reason, Neymar didn't know. 
He would just go on with his day like any other. 
But Neymar just couldn't help but feel a bit of strangeness in the day. Like danger was just around the corner. Especially when he turned on his car to go to school. The weird feeling made him want to stay at his house.
But that wouldn't be smart in any way.

He drove carefully and trusted his gut to make good choices for him. 
Neymar did get to school carefully, he was only a little late but that was fine, by his standards at least. 
Neymar's teacher smiled when she saw him. "Neymar, I just wanted to congratulate you." Neymar tilted his head slightly, he had never had a teacher congratulate him for anything. "For what?"

"You've gone up two letter grades in two months. Congratulations, keep it up, kid." A grin formed on Neymar's face when he got a pat on the shoulder. Neymar never really cared about his grades because there was no one to make proud, no reason to even care if no one else cared either. "Focus on important skills like strength and athleticism," is what Neymar's dad always told him whenever he got a call informing him that Neymar was failing a class. Even if the message wasn't great, Neymar thought that that was the most motivational thing his dad had ever said to him.
Now, he does someone to impress and make proud.
Lionel Messi.
Lionel's words always motivated him to do better. All the sleepless nights were finally paying off. Neymar couldn't be more grateful.


Eventually, it was time for the best part of Neymar's day.
Football practice.

He felt Kylian's stare the whole time. It was a mixture of worriedness and just him trying to understand what was going through Neymar's head.
Kylian's stare was so piercing and profound, Neymar could feel a hole being burned right through him. It didn't feel good. 
"Dude, Neymar, what'd you tell Kylian yesterday? Man looks freaked out of his mind," Sergio asked Neymar. "Nothing much, if I'm being real."

"Yeah sure, I believe that."

"You don't," Neymar could see right through everyone's lies. "Okay, I don't. Just seriously, I'm curious."

"Keep being curious," Neymar started juggling with the football in front of him. "Whatever. Kylian told me to ask you if you wanted to hang out at his house with us."

"Sure," the answer sounded more like a question with the way Neymar stretched the word out. "After practice okay? You're driving by the way."

"You gotta be kidding me."

"You know what they say, footballers suck at driving. Except you, 'cause you have your license, of course," Serigo was bluffing. "No one has ever said that, Sergio."

"Well then all of us suck at driving. C'mon, Ney, we don't wanna ride the" Sergio exhaled, "public bus."

"Fine, but you're paying for the gas."

"Roger that."


Hanging out at Kylian's house wasn't much different from football practice. They pranked called some businesses and played board games. For a while, Kylian gave Neymar a break from his intense staring.
He got a break when he felt like taking a break from everyone else.
Neymar slipped himself into Kylian's bathroom and started calling Lionel. He realized that they haven't talked all day. 
"Hey," Neymar said when Lionel picked up. "Hi, Ney."

"Are you busy?" Neymar asked. "No. Are you? You sound busy," Neymar realized that Lionel was talking about his friends' yelling and music. "Nah, I'm just at Kylian's house. All the racket is hurting my head so I felt like calling you. Especially after not talking to you all day." Lionel laughed over the line, "We didn't talk all day yesterday until you came by at midnight."

"Right, but I was planning on going over anyway. To be honest, I'm getting a little too tipsy to even navigate myself."

"Jesus Christ, Ney. You're planning on driving yourself home like that?" Neymar shrugged even though Lionel couldn't see him. "I guess? Maybe Archraf can drive me and I'll pick up my car tomorrow. I'll probably be just fine."

"Ney, I'm warning you. Chill out on the drinking or you're gonna regret it. God bless you," Lionel sounded serious about it. "Yeah, you're right. I think I'll leave right now."

"No, stay until the alcohol starts to wear off. Be responsible, Ney," Lionel sighed. "I'll try. Thanks, Leo. I love you."

"I love you too, Ney. Text me when you get to your house, okay?" Neymar started to smile, he couldn't resist Lionel's caring nature. "I will. Bye, Leo."

"Bye." Lionel was the first to hang up as always. Neymar took Lionel's advice and waited around 30 minutes for his mind to clear up.
After that, he told everyone he was leaving.

"Aw man, already?" Archraf groaned. "It's almost twelve in the morning, dudes," Neymar justified. "Alright, Ney. Drive safe," Kylian gave Neymar a pat on the back and opened the front door for him. "You sure you can drive alright? You won't get a DUI or anything like that?"

"I'm alright. Seriously, I didn't drink that much."

"Half a can is something for someone who doesn't drink often."

"I'll be fine, man," Neymar reassured Kylian. "Right, okay. Go slow." Neymar nodded, "I will." Kylian didn't shut the door yet.

As Neymar pulled out of the driveway, a car was going way above the speed limit on his right side. The damn driver's side. Neymar immediately regretted not looking both ways before pulling out. Kylian yelled his name out, "NEYMAR!"

Sirens and loudness surrounded Neymar after a few minutes.

But he was alive.

With only one person on his mind.

Lionel Messi.

"Fuck, Neymar. Are you awake man? Don't fucking die on us," Kylian was on his side and a paramedic was performing CPR on the ground. "I..." Neymar was breathing heavily. He couldn't die, "won't... Because... I made," Neymar puffed air out, "a promise." Neymar built up the strength to pull his phone out of his pocket. "Take... phone... Ky..." Kylian grabbed the phone Neymar tossed him. Neymar started coughing. "Call... Leo..." Neymar closed his eyes. Kylian's hands were shaking as he looked at his friends. "I will. Messi needs to see you. You need him." Kylian dialed Lionel's number. 

"Will he be okay?" Marquinhos asked a paramedic as multiple others lifted Neymar onto a blue cot. "He should. But nothing is guaranteed." Marquinhos started bawling his eyes out. Neymar was the boy that made him feel comfortable in a new country after moving from Brazil.
He couldn't lose Neymar.
No one could lose Neymar.
But Neymar was just a boy.
A boy who had no control over all the things happening around him.

You always know danger is just around the corner but it's always surprising when it comes around.

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