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Ava's POV.

I have been observing Quinn for the past few weeks and it seemed like she has made plenty of friends, which is why I was surprised when she asked me to show her around. I asked her if there was any type of place she wanted to go to and she told me to surprise her. How am I supposed to surprise her if I have no idea what her likes and dislikes are?

After a little argument with myself I decided to ask Milo. He suggested ice cream since "You can never go wrong with ice cream." I hope he's right. Milo wanted to come with me since he knew I would be going with Quinn.

When we arrived at the ice-cream shop, I told Milo to park while I went inside to see if Quinn had arrived. When I walked inside, I immediately spotted Quinn. She walked over to me and gave me a hug. She smelt a bit like coconuts.

"I hope you don't mind I brought Milo with me."

"Not at all." she said with a smile. When Milo walked in her smile almost immediately faded. I wonder why.

The three of us walked up to the counter and placed our order. Quinn ordered chocolate, Milo ordered strawberry with peanuts on top, and I ordered vanilla. We each paid for our own ice cream and sat down. I sat next to Quinn and Milo sat across from us.

"Shit." I said.

"What's wrong?" Quinn asked.

"They put peanuts on my ice-cream."

"So? They forgot to put them on mine." Milo said as he frowned.

I flicked him over the head, "I'm allergic you idiot."

"Sorry, I forgot."

"What kind of 'best friend' forgets their best friend's allergy?" Quinn said in an annoyed voice as she put air quotes around 'best friend'.

"Shut up. My brain is a little scrambled today."

"When is it not?"

"Milo can you please ask if they can replace my ice cream with one without peanuts?" I asked.

"Do it yourself." what is wrong with him today?


"I can do it for you Ava." Quinn offered.

I thanked her as she walked to the counter. It was a bit awkward when she came back and so it was quiet for the most part. I guess there was no point in bringing Milo. At one point Quinn stopped eating and stood up to get napkins and when she came back, she turned my head towards her. She started wiping the bottom of my chin. I could feel my something weird in my stomach. I looked up at her as she continued to wipe my chin.

"You had ice cream dripping down." she said before continuing to eat.

I hadn't realized I was looking at her, Milo snapped me out of it and asked why my face was so red. I told him to shut it and continued eating.

"Quinn you've got some ice cream in your hair." Milo said as he tried to reach across the table to help her wipe it.

She took a napkin as she said, "I can do it myself, thanks," she started to wipe it and then looked at me, "Is there anymore?"

"Just a bit. May I?" she nods her head and I grab the napkin that was in her hand and started to wipe the rest off. "Now it's all gone."

"Thank you, I guess we're both messy eaters." we both chucked.

For the rest of the time, it was mostly Quinn and I talking. Milo was on a phone call with someone the entire time. If there's a next time, I won't bring Milo since I now know how awkward it can get between him and Quinn. From now on it can be just me and her. I like it more when we're by ourselves than when we're around other people.

I went into snapchat when I saw Quinn had posted something on her story. It was a photo of me eating my ice cream. I saw she wrote 'Ice cream date with this weirdo.'

"Who said this was a date?" I joked, as I showed her the post.

"Is it not?" I could see she caught onto my joke as she smiled.

"No," I said as I crossed my arms. "We were simply enjoying a sweet dessert with each other's company."

"It's definitely not a date with this third wheel." she said while pointing her thumb towards Milo.

"Huh?" he said as he pulled the phone away from his face.

We both shook our heads as he continued his call.

"Maybe we should kick him out and make this a date." she said as she playfully shoved me.

"Get a room you two. It's weird how believable your flirting is. It's almost like you guys are actually into each other." Milo said.

"About time you noticed us." I said.

Quinn moved her chair closer to mine, "You're just jealous." she said to Milo.

"Of what?"

"Ava and I." she hugged me as she spoke.

He scoffed, "Yeah right." he rolled his eyes at us as he put his phone down.

I laughed and as I did Quinn put her head down on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my waist. Quinn stuck her tongue out as she hugged me tighter, "See? She obviously like me better."


I could see her smiling. Maybe she was finally warming up to Milo. But why am I not happy at the thought of them becoming closer? It's probably because of how close Quinn and I have become, and I just want to keep my new friend to myself. I just like that she makes me laugh. Yeah, that's it. I just like her company. That's all.

Quinn's POV:

I noticed Ava becoming upset whenever Milo and I argued so I decided to try and not pick an argument. For now. If I do, it will mostly likely be caused by Milo being an idiot again. He frustrates me on another level I could just-

"Ava are you ready to go? I have had enough of you flirting with your new best friend." Milo said as he cut off my thoughts.

Disappointment hit me as Ava let go of me and went towards Milo. Is she always going to pick him? It has been painfully obvious, and I could tell since the first day I arrived at their school that Ava had feelings for Milo. Only a moron wouldn't be able to tell, which would explain a lot about Milo.

I stopped them before they left and asked if I could get a ride. Milo questioned me why I needed one since he knew I could drive. I told him I let my brother borrow the car and he wouldn't be back for a while. He nodded his head before asking Ava to go start the car for him while he went to the bathroom. She went out the door but before I could follow her outside Milo grabbed my arm.

"I know what you're up to." he said.

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