I'm glad I met you

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Quinn's POV:

"I know what you're up to Quinn." Milo said as he grabbed me by the wrist.

"What are you talking about? Let go of me." I said as I pushed him away. Was he nuts?

"You're trying to steal Ava from me. She is my best friend, and I didn't appreciate how you made me look bad today. She means a lot to me." 

I rolled my eyes. Is he being serious right now? "First of all, Ava does not belong to anyone and second; you did not need my help to make you look bad. Your lack of knowledge of your best friend did that for you." I see Ava walking back towards us, "I am not going to start anything with you right now, but this conversation is not over."

I change my expression before Ava walked in so she wouldn't know we were fighting. She asked what was taking so long, and I told her that Milo and I were just having a small conversation about our biology assignment. She seemed to have believed me which was a good thing because I did not have any other excuse.

As we walked out Milo got a notification from his phone, "Shit," he said as he hit his forehead with his hand. "I'm late for a date, and I was your ride here. How are you going to get home Ava?"

As he said that, my brother had finally come back with the car. Perfect timing if you ask me. "Look, my brother is here. We can take you home if you'd like." I said.

"That would be great, thank you Quinn." she smiled as she spoke.

Her smile is so beautiful. Every time she smiles, I am both surprised and grateful the doofus who goes by Milo hasn't caught feeling for her, "Come on." I start walking out and she follows me.

Once we got into the car, I asked Ava where she lived. She told my brother the directions and we started moving. As my brother drove, I noticed Ava looked upset. I waited until we got to her house and out of the car to ask her about it.

"Are you alright?" I asked.


"Are you sure?" I thought for a second. This was probably about Milo, "Is this about Milo's date? I noticed you weren't too thrilled to hear he had a date."

"Why wouldn't I be happy for him?" she tried to fake a smile, but I know the difference between her real smile where it causes cute little creases under her eyes and a fake one where she looks down while smiling and it goes away as fast as it appeared.

"You have feelings for him, don't you? I know you do. I see the way you look at him and how you react when you know he is going to be with another girl."

She just looked down. I couldn't tell if she was upset or thinking or both, "I've been trying to get over him for a while."

"How has that been going?"

"Not well. Just- just don't tell him. Okay? "

"I would never. If you want I could stay for bit and see if I can help you forget about that idiot. We could watch a movie, play a bored game, or go somewhere else if you don't want to stay here. I found a nice park not far from here."

"I don't know... what if Milo finds out we're hanging out without him?"

"So? Let him find out. He doesn't own you," I grab her hands and start jumping a little, "Come on, let's have a little fun without him,"

She still looked unsure.

"He barely even talked to you when we were eating our ice cream. His was halfway melted before he noticed. Please!" I continued to try to convince her and eventually she gave in.

I sent my brother a text letting him know I won't be going with him and to just pick me in a couple hours. He gave me a thumbs up and waved goodbye. I waved back as he started to drive away. A minute later I got a text from him asking if she was my girlfriend. I panicked when Ava had looked over my shoulder and almost saw the text. I waited until we walked into the house before I replied.

Ava's POV:

I decided we should stay in the living room since my room was a mess and there was no way in hell I was going to let Quinn see that. I let my parents know that Quinn was here and that we were going to be in the living room. We put on a movie, but we got bored of it pretty quick. We started asking one another questions to get to know each other a little more.

"I know this may not be the best time and you only have to answer this if you're okay with it. How long have you liked Milo?" Quinn asked. She looked nervous when I didn't answer right away.

"Since middle school."


"What is that supposed to mean?" I say as I turned to face her.

"Nothing," she turns her head to the side and puts her hands in the air. "Just that I find it a bit unbelievable that a troll like him could attract such an amazing person."

"He is not a troll and if I were so amazing then why doesn't he like me back?"

"Sometimes people are too stupid to realize when someone amazing is standing right in front of them." she turns to face me before she starts speaking again. "Ava you are a smart, fun, and beautiful person. You are one of the best people I have ever met. I have moved so many times in my life and met so many people, but you are my most favorite person I have met by far."

"You're just saying that."

"I'm not. I am saying this to you right now because I truly believe that you are an amazing person. If Milo doesn't see that then he is missing out on dating one of the best people he will ever meet." she puts her hands on the side of my face as she speaks. "You are a very beautiful person in every way possible. Do you understand that?"

"Why are you telling me this?"

"People don't always remember how amazing they are until someone reminds them."

I laughed and hugged her, "I'm really glad I met you." as I hugged her, I couldn't tell if it was my heart or hers that was beating so fast.

"I'm glad I met you too." she said as she hugged me back.

I sit up as I say, "You're beautiful in every possible way too."

"Ava, I need to tell you something." she says. She looked almost scared, "I like-"

We hear a knock at the door before she could finish. I opened the door to see Milo with a big smile on his face. He walks into my house walking from one side of the room to the other. He goes on and on about the date he just went on, but I could barely understand what he was saying with how fast he was speaking. I ask him to slow down and calmly tell us what happened. He told us about his date with a girl named Kelly Andrew. As he talked, he mentioned that she was at his house right now. Before he could go on Quinn stood up and said she had to leave.

"Why are you leaving?" I asked as I reached for her hand. I didn't want her to leave.

"I forgot I had some homework." she said as she started twisting the door handle.

"Can you at least tell me what you were going to say earlier? You never finished what you were saying."

"It wasn't important. I really need to go." she opened the door but when she did, I see this blond girl standing at my door.

"Hey Quinn, I didn't expect to see you here." said the dark-haired girl.

"Hi Kelly." Quinn responded.

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