Chapter 7

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OH MY GOD! IM SORRY FOR THE LATE CHAPTER! Anyway, here it is! i was soooo busy in the last few day's! Projects...! Hate them! Anywayyyyy, please spread my story and tell me if it's any good! And be sure to read 1D on campus by KenzieRae2000! Please! Ok, here we go!:)

I woke up in a strange room that I did'nt recongnize. Then it hit me, I stayed at Liam's last night. Duhhh, I can be so clueless sometime's! I turned around to see a sleepy Liam right in my face. Awww, he's so cute when he's sleeping! I looked at the clock. 6:46, no wonder Liam's still asleep.

I quietly got out of bed, left him a note and went back into my room. I really hoped mom did'nt come in last night and started to worry. I went downstair's to see my brother at the kitchen table playing his D.S. That boy could stay up until 3 and still wake up early!

"Is mom up?" I asked him. He did'nt even look up from his game to answer. He just shook his head no. Thank god. I just hopped she did'nt come in last night.

"Ughhhhhhhhh! Stupid Princess Peach..." I heard Nathan say under his breath. I laughed at him. Girl's rule, I thought.

I went into the bathroom to take a long needed shower. Great, no hot water. I took a quick cold shower. And went to get dressed. Today I was wearing some denim short's and a batman t-shirt. I don't know why I had so many batman stuff. Sometime's you just gotta be a little tomboy-ish! I went back to the bathroom to do some makeup and brush my teeth. I did'nt think i'd be meeting anyone special here so I just brought some foundation and eye shadow. I tried my best to do my makeup as best as I could. But failed. I took it of and settled on just some light eye shadow on. I straightened my hair even more that it already was and then I was ready to take on the day!

I walked out and looked in the mirror. Satisfied, I grabbed an apple. Mom was up so I said bye to her and went back to Liam's. She did'nt say anything about last night, so I was safe!


1 week went by and me and Liam even grew closer. Summer is almost done, I kept thinking. What are we gonna do when we go back home? Will we just forget about eachother and think of this whole thing as just a little summer fling? I pushed that thought out of my mind. I had to make the best of the little time we still had together.

Liam had brought me to a old tree house he used to play in when he was little. I looked around the old tree house and found some of his old toy's. The thing that first caught my eye was a barbie doll. I looked at Liam and he laughed.

"That was Woody's girlfriend. Her name was Vanessa. They were such a cute couple!" He said jokingly. I laughed at him. He was so cute.

I kept looking around and came upon a photo album. Awsome, time to embarass my boyfriend with embarrasing baby picture's. I opended the old album. To my suprise the only picture's in this were Liam and his toy's. They were all taken up here with an old, old camera. I could tell by he horrible quality.

Liam came and sat down next to me. He took out a camera and smiled at me.

"Time to make more memorie's." He said while turning on the camera. He held the camera above us and I smiled while Liam kissed my cheek. I did'nt want to see the picture. Knowing I looked horrible in the picture. Liam showed me anyway.

"Ew. Look at my face." I said and looked away from the camera. Liam took my face in his hand's so I had no choice but to look him in the eye's.

"Cassidy Elizabeth Green. Don't ever let those word's ever come out of you're lip's ever again. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever layed eye's on. Never, ever think otherwhise." He said sternly. I just nodded taking everything that he just said in.

He make's me feel beautiful. I've never felt that feeling. Ever.

We heard a squeak come out from the floor. We looked at eachother and bolted for the ladder. We suprisingly made it out before it broke. He suggested going to the beach to take more picture's. I gladly nodded and we headed to the beach.

Mackenzie's P.O.V

After a week at the beach, it was time for Disney! The hotel Harry booked us was beautiful! Even better it was right in Disney! Harry took our bag's up to the room. I went right to the patio. I could see the epcot ball, tower of terror and the hollywood studio's statue!

"A great view for a great girlfriend." Harry said and came up to me and put his hand's around my waist from behind. I turned around and gave him a thank you kiss. He gave one back. "Why don't we go explore around the resort?" Harry asked. I nodded and went to grab my phone from my bag.

I got a text from Cassidy! Finally! I thought she was ignoring me!

"Oh my god guess what?! Me and Liam are official! He's perfect!<3" She said. I was so happy for her. She deserved a boy like Liam. I wished I could meet him!

"That's great Cass! I wish I could meet him! Send me some of you're couple pick's! I want to see what he look's like!" I quickly texted back and put my phone back in my pocket. I walked out to see Harry waiting at the elevator.

"Guess what? Cass got a boyfriend!" I said happily.

"Awesome! Tell her I said I want to meet the guy, I gotta see if he's boyfriend material!" I laughed. Harry alway's thought of Cassidy as his little sister. If he did'nt like one of her boyfriend's, he'd scare them of.

"Ok! I'll call her later! I miss her so much, Harry." I said sadly. "We alway's spend every summer together." Harry looked at me sympatheticaly.

"Don't let this ruin you're vacation. You'll see her soon enough! Don't worry!" He said and gave me a kiss on my nose. I smiled back at him then walked out of the elevator which was now on the first floor.

We walked out of the door's to see 2 pool's, 3 hot tub's and a bar. My mouth dropped down to my knee's. At least that was what it felt like. Harry giggled and grabbed my hand and showed me the rest of the resort. It was amazing. It turned out there was, in total, 6 pool's, 8 hot tub's and a play area for kid's.

"How about we go get our bathing suit's on, hun?" Harry said. I looked at him and nodded. We went up the our room and put our suit's on. We walked back out and Harry ran right to the play area. I laughed at my childish boyfriend.

"WEEEEEEE!" I heard Harry squeal from the top of the slide. He came down and shook his wet curl's so the made me all wet.

"Harry! Harry, Noooooo!" I screamed and ran away and jumped right into the pool scaring some old people who were tanning.

"NEVER!" Harry said as he swimmed quickly after me. He caught me and gave me a kiss. This is going to be a great vacation! I thought to myself as I kissed Harry back.

Liam's P.O.V

I could'nt believe that Cassidy would say that about herself. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Inside and out. We continued taking picture's. This time on her phone. She set the one of me givng her a kiss on the cheek and her smiling as her backround. It was pretty dang cute.

"I can't wait for you to meet my friend Mackenzie and her boyfriend Harry! You would get along with Harry very well!" She said while she sent some picture's of us to her friend Mackenzie.

"Oh yeah. Me neither!" I said. " What's Harry like?" I asked now curious about this Harry child.

"Oh well, he is very nice, fun to be around...Oh and he sing's! He's trying out for the X-Factor also! When are you tring out?" She asked. Oh god. I did'nt want to bring this up. I was leaving in 4 week's to go try out.

"Oh..erm...I don't remember.." I said lamely hoping she did'nt pick up the shakyness in my voice.

"Oh ok then..." She said. "Anyway, he's like a big brother to me. I love him so much!" She said. Thank god she changed the subject!

"Oh well, that's nice Cass! Can't wait to meet them!"

How was I going to tell her that I had to leave in only 4 week's?! I have to make these 4 week's the best time of her life!

Ok! I did'nt really like that chapter but mehh! Oh well!:P Ok next chapter will be sooon!:* Also if you can spread the word around! Mu-Ah!<3

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