Chapter 15

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Heyy! Sorry i havent updated lately! School! i dont know what else to say but you should really read Perfewct by KenzieRae2000 because it's awsome. Legit. And you should follow MyCousinIsDaniel too! (if you want;)) because she'll remind yoiu youre beautiful!;) ok, here we goooo!;)

Cassidy's P.O.V


It's been a half a month and i'm out of the wheelchair! About time! I feel so much better! Me and Liam are together again. I finally decided to forgive him. He's done so much for me it's crazy! Anyway, It's still summer and Liam is taking me somewhere special.

"Are we almost there?" I asked yet again. I hated driving for a long period of time.

"Almost. You're worse then Donkey in Shrek!" He said and I laughed. It was true! "Maybe that's what i'll call you now!" He said while laughing. I punched his bicep and he pretended to wince back in pain. Which made me laugh harder than I already was. He joined in but I stopped when I realized where we were.

He brought me to the cottage.

I looked at him a huge smile spreading across his face. My smile was from ear to ear.

"I-I....." I did'nt have words to describe what I was thinking right now. He laughed and drove down the dirt road to the cottage.

We pulled up and I could'nt believe my eye's. My mom was here! I have'nt seen her in I don't even know how long! I scrambled to undo my seatbelt and open the door. But failed miserably. I was so excited I did'nt know what to do. I looked at Liam and he was clutching his stomach in laughter. I smiled and he helped me undo my seatbelt. Once it was undo I  ran up the step's and into the cottage. I saw my mom and ran into her arm's as fast as a lightning bolt. She hugged me back.

"Hunny! I missed you so much!" She said and I nodded.

"I missed you too!" I Mumbled into her shoulder. We stayed like that for awhile then my brother came down from upstair's. I ran to him and picked him up and spun him around.

"Cass! I did'nt think you were coming so early!" Asked my cousin Olivia from her bedroom. She was 18 now.

"OLIVIA!" I practically screamed from the top of my lung's and ran into her allready open arm's. I looked over her shoulder and saw Niall coming from behind Olivia. I let go of Olivia and Niall took her by the waist and kissed the top of her head. I looked at Liam who was coming through the door with our bag's. He set the bag's down and came over to me and gave me one of his big bear hug's.

"Cass, Olivia and Niall have been seeing eachother for about three week's no-" He was cut off by Harry yelling my name.

"CASSIDY!"He said and ran down the srair's with Kenzie hot on his heel's.

"HARREH!" I yelled back then ran into his and Kenzie's arm's.

"I did'nt know everybody was going to be here!" I said and looked back at Liam who was going to sit on the couch. Harry and Kenzie let me go and I went to go and sit next to Liam.

"Thank you..." I whispered in his ear. He did'nt respond but he gave me a sweet kiss.

"WOAH! P.D.A!" I opended my eye's to see Louis, Eleanor, Zayn and Perrie coming in by the patio door. They were all dressed in they're bathing suits.

"LOUIS!" I yelled and practically tackled him to the floor. I gave Eleanor a huge hug. I loved El. Then I jumped into Zayn's arm's and he swung me around in a circle. He let me down and I gave Perrie a huge hug too. "Oh my....GOD!" I yelled and did a little happy dance which caused everyone to laugh. My dancing skill's were'nt very good.

"WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR? LET'S GO TO THE BEACH!" Yelled Niall from the kitchen.

"Ok! Let me go get my bathing suit on!" I said and grabbed my bag. I was so happy!

I decided on my zebra print bikini, a batman shirt, some jean shorts, basic sandals and some teal-ish blue-ish sun glasses. I walked out of the bathroom and everyone was ready to go.

"BEACH TIME!" Yelled Louis with El in his arm's. I giggled and grabbed Liam's hand. We walked out of the cottage and down the path.

~At The Beach~

"Let's play volley-ball!" Said Perrie. I  nodded and got up from Liam's lap to grab the ball.

"I wanna play too!" Said Olivia and El at the same time I laughed and so did Perrie.

It was me and El vs Olivia and Perrie. And Kenzie was the ref.

"Got it!" I yelled and dived for the ball filling my mouth with sand in the process. I got up and spit out as much sand as possible from my mouth. Everybody was laughing at me now. Louis was laughing the hardest though.

"I'll be right back!" I told the girl's. I was headed in the direction of Louis. All the boys seemed to notice but Louis. He was still laughing really hard. He finally noticed me and stopped laughing. I was picking up my speed. He got up and started running in the direction I wanted him to be going.

The water.

I was now sprinting after him. I was hot on his heels now.

"NO NO NO!" He yelled when I splashed him straight in the face with ice cold water. "I SURRENDER!" He once again yelled putting his hands up in the air in defence. I  was laughing and could'nt splash him any more. Thats when i was picked up from behind and thrown into the water. I swam up and found Harry and Louis high fiving eachother. I swam back under. The salt water hurting my eyes. I grabbed Harry's leg and pulled him under and the same to Louis. Before they came back up I was on the beach high fiving Kenzie.

"Kenzie! I thought you were on my team!" Said Harry fake pouting. I laughed at his fail of the puppy dog face. So did Kenzie.

"Sorry Hazza!" She said blowing him a fake dramatic kiss. He pretended to faint and fall back first into the water. Liam, Zayn, Perrie and El were all laughing at us from our spot on the beach. Liam was now running to me and Kenzie. He grabbed me by the waist and ran into the water. Harry got out of the water and chased Kenzie into the water threatening to give her a hug. Seeing he was all wet, she just ran into the water.

This was going to be the best summer ever. I can just tell.

Okkkkk! Bad chapter;/ But atleast I updated!!! Yeah, okiiieeee I'll update in a week or something:P Ok Biiiie and read Perfect pleaseee!<3>

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