Day off

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Lucy an Tim had a very tight schedule which means they don't get much quality Time together although they may see each other everyday they never get to hangout or just even say Hi especially since Tim has joined metro he has had to wake up super early to haul in the gear an because both jobs are so hard they usually come home to exhausted to do anything but today was there day off finally Lucy always cherishs moments like these just her an Tim not having to worry about anything else until Tim's phone goes off right in the middle of their cuddles Tim rubs his eyes forcing them open as he reaches for his phone an Lucy whines when he begins to get up out of bed trying to tighten her grip on him so he doesn't leave
Tim-baby I've got to answer this call,it might be important
Lucy-b-but it's our day off.....
She says with a pout
Tim chuckles
Tim-I know I know but I'll just be a sec then when I'm done we can take kojo out for a walk an stop to get some breakfast some where, how dose that sound?
Lucy's eyes lighten up
Lucy-Yea! But don't take to long tho...
He replied as he kisses her cheek an grabs his phone an walks into the living room
5 mins later
Tim-"what why can't someone else do it?"
Tim-okay yeah I'll be in there in ten see you soon.
Tim went back into the bedroom to get ready he had gotten a call from metro saying that there was a problem an saying it was urgent

Lucy sat up in confusion on why her boyfriend had rushed into there bedroom to get changed in to.....His Metro gear?

Lucy-Tim w-what where are you going?
Tim-I'm sorry baby I've got to go there's an emergency down at the station
Lucy-n-no please don't go can't they just call in someone else? I don't want u to go.....
Lucy pouted an looked up at him with tears in her eyes
Tim-I know baby but it's ergent I swear I wouldn't go if it wasn't
Lucy's hands shimmer there way around his waist bearing her head into his stomach softly
Lucy-can you not just stay here?
Lucy mumbles softly
Tim-I wish I could baby....
Lucy sighed an nodded
Tim-but I promise you once I get back we can do what ever you wish my love
Lucy smiled
Tim kissed her on the lips before going to get ready
Lucy sighed

2 hours later

The door unlocked an Lucy immediately got off the couch knowing exactly who it was
Tim-I'm home
Lucy's face lit up with joy and excitement as she rushed an jumped into his arms holding on to him as tight as ever
Tim hold her his hands wrapped around her waist face buried in her hair inhaling her scent from her shampoo
Lucy- your back! I missed you!
Tim-I missed you to
He says with a big smile kissing her, when he tries to pull away to tell her something she grabs his face an continues to make out with him
Lucy-mhm no don't pull away
She says biting his bottom lip
Tim-baby I need to tell you something
Lucy-tell me later
She starts prepping kisses down his neck
Tim begun to walk to the couch whilst holding on to her
He sits down on the couch carefully with Lucy still on his lap
As she is still kissing on his neck
Tim-baby look at me just for one second
Lucy huffed in annoyance as she looked up at Tim through her eyelashes
Tim-well I was able to pull some strings and get us a two week vacation in Hawaii
Lucy burst out with excitement
Tim smiled as Lucy pulled him into a hug
Tim-no problem my love you've been working so hard these past few weeks an I'm so proud plus how else was I gonna pay you back for not keeping my promise
Lucy blushed an kissed him
Lucy-when do we go?
Tim- we go tomorrow night so we better start packing
Lucy squeals as she runs to their bed room

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