Chappy 2

22 0 1

I honestly don't think I'm ever not tired in the morning.

It's like there's a bunch of little turtles in my brain running around and making me tired.

Or maybe I slept-ran to Africa and back or something.

I don't even know. Anyway I'm currently humming 'spread too thin' and pissing off my table-folk. Eh... Screw them.



Like a pr*st*t*te. except l less S**and more smelly middle aged lady's that couldn't find a better job.

That was pretty much what our substitute looked like. Anyway she was super boring and stuff.


'Wheres Bella?' Said lieutenant G.

'I killed her lieutenant' said Haavis

Then Haavis started singing another s** song.



After buying 3 Arizona's for Jaques, Haavis, and Oli. I finally sat down, my table consist of

Vince- a ninja that has a weird tendency to rub cupcake on his face. Which he is currently doing just that. Kind of a Afro ninja

Nick- Dirty blond hair. Passes my house in many different ways (inside joke) and is drinking my Jamaican Lems.

Benny- Has a huge ass bag. Is a fan of kitchen condiments. Likes corn dogs and such. Blond hair and always wears a black jacket. Favorite sentence: 'no sh*t Sherlock\ you don't say.'

E-van: a semi beggar, has 3 other siblings and is a smart hobo. Always wears a beanie, has brown hair and a blue jacket.

Maximus- Liked by Emo (wow it just auto corrected that to Elmo) kids and is a kill joy. Has blackish hair, a beanie And a green jacket.

Juul (me)- born in London. Is called the 'Malaysian sensation' by jake. Likes dolphins and unicorns. Grey jeans, black shirt, and strait brown hair. Favorite sentence: 'Look how many craps I give, *hold up empty hand*'

Slender- likes blowing on people, touch my head a lot. Hates me, and loves mega man. Is rather socially awkward and has darkish blond hair, wears a red jacket and is really tall. Favorite sentence: 'that's great...'

Jaques- short curly hair. Has a thing for zombies. Probably the sportiest kid of all of us. Likes going ape sh*t on people and beating them up.

Haavis- a big fan of s** songs, and has an injured knee (pronounced: Kin-ee) and is a killjoy. Favorite sentence: 'once upon a rabbit knuckle ow I bumped my knee'

I can't remember any other people.


Period 4

Fitness Tuesday- the two word strike fear into the hearts into pretty much every student in LCS

Period 5

Unless you want to hear about our homework check this has no point

Period 6

'I ripped the skin off my finger.' Said Janice

'Thanks for that Janice now I'm scarred for life with the image of a finger with no skin.' I said, great

'History's so boring' said cam.

'I fell asleep in math and-' Janice said

'Nobody cares Janice.' I interrupted

'I wasn't talking to you'

'Don't care.'

And then my brother snuck in and flicked my neck. Which made me freak out because I thought it was a fly. Which made me throw my head forward and smash it on my water bottle.

Lets just say I left class with a bleeding lip, and a water bottle mark on my face

Just freaking perfect.



Okay I edited out all the stuff that could be held against me. So you have to find out the meanings yourself. Anyway I'll edit it soon.

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