Chapter 2:

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Arriving at work....

Jack goes and clocks in, and she's smiling

Hey Jennings what's got you smiling? Robert asked (Robert is her partner)

Just got really good news and I need to tell Malcolm first before I tell anyone. Jack said

Okay. Robert said

They get there truck ready and get into the truck to leave the station.

With malcolm.....

Malcolm on a routine traffic stop when everything went south.

Malcolm walks up to the vehicle

Sir my name is Sergeant Jennings do you know why I have pulled you over? Malcolm asked

No sir. Keith said

Sir you were doing 55mph in a 45 mph zone. Can I please have your license and registration please. Malcolm asked

Keith hands his information to Malcolm and then Malcolm heads back to his patrol car to run his information

Comes back that Keith Monroe has a warrant for his arrest

Malcolm gets out of his patrol car and walks back up to the car with his hand on his gun.

Sir I need you to step out of the vehicle. Malcolm said

Next thing Malcom heard was 7 gun shots go off and the sting of every shot piercing him. Malcolm had his gun drawn and fired at the offender and killed him before going down.

This Sergeant Jennings I've been shot. 7784 Luther parkway. Repeat officer down. Malcolm said before he passed

shot in shoulder, 2 in the stomach, graze against his neck, 2 in the right leg, and left forearm)

With Jack and robert....

Unit 732 we have an officer down unknown condition. Address 7784 Luther parkway. Dispatch said

Jack flips on the lights and sirens praying it wasn't her husband.
(But it is)

Arriving on scene....

Jack looks out her window and sees the patrol car unit number

Jack goes white and gets tears in her eyes

Jack what's wrong? Robert asked

Malcolm's the cop that's shot. That's his patrol car. Jack said

Oh God. Robert Said

Let's go we have a job to do I'll break once we get him to the hospital. Jack said

Jack we have to call it in you can't treat him. Robert said

Don't tell me I can't save him. That's my husband. Javk said

Exactly. Robert said

Are you a medic? Jack asked

Yes. Robert said

Okay. I'll drive and you treat but we are treating him because he's already bled enough my son and unborn daughter are nit losing their father and I'm not losing my husband. Jack said

Baby? Robert asked

Crap I said that out loud? Jack asked

Yes but I won't tell anyone but congrats. Robert said

Jack and robert run over to Malcolm

Malcolm. Jack said

Malcolm opened his eyes

J. Malcolm groans

I'm here m you're okay. Jack said

Jack and robert started taking Malcolm uniform and stopping the bleeding.

(shot in shoulder, 2 in the stomach, graze against his neck, 2 in the right leg, and left forearm)

Malcolm started to cough up blood

Malcolm. Jack screamed

Robert looked at Jack and she looked back at him and knew she needed to get her emotions in check. She schooled her feature and shut her emotions off and did her job.

Malcolm's eyes rolled to the back of his head and he started to seize, then he coded.

Robert rushed and incubated him and Jack put him on the cardiac monitor and started cpr. They shocked him and then loaded him into the ambulance.

Robert keep him alive for me please. Jack begged

Always Jack. Robert said

Jack slammed the doors closed and rushed to the front of the truck to take off to UCLA Trauma Center.

Jack called dispatch to take them out of service after she explained who the Patient was.

Malcolm and Jacquline Where stories live. Discover now