Chapter 4:

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Jack and Prescott entering Malcolm's ice room

Jack lays prescott down a d walks over to her husband. Jackeans down and kisses her husband.

Hey m were all hers. You got to wake up there's something I need to tell you. Jack said

Jack grabbed the seat by Malcolm and held his hand, and fell asleep.

The next day when her parents came to see Malcolm Jack had them take Prescott home. Where he would stay until Malcolm got home from the hospital.

For a month Jack would go home for a short amount of time to take care of p and shower and then she would go right back to the hospital.

In Malcolm's room...

Jack was looking at the ultrasound picture hold her husband's hand and crying. Hoping and praying he'd wake up soon so she could tell him he was gonna be a daddy again to a little girl this time.

Hey m please wake up I need you our kids need their daddy. We can't lose you. Please m come back to us. Jack cried

2 hours later....

Jack was holding Malcolm's half when she felt a squeeze.

Jack gripped her head to look at Malcolm so fast.

M. Jack cried

J. Malcolm whispered

Oh my God yore awake. Jack pushed the button to alert the doctor he was awake.

Doctor comes into the room

Good to see you awake Sergeant Jennings. Dr. Porter said

What happened? Malcolm asked

In the corner of his eye he saw his wife flinch

You were shot 7 times shot in shoulder, 2 in the stomach, graze against his neck, 2 in the right leg, and left forearm. We removed your spleen, right kidney, and stitched your liver. You'll have to do physical therapy on your shoulder and leg. You'll be able to return back to active duty in 6 to 9 months. Dr. Porter said

Doctor Porter leaves the room

Malcolm looks at his wife and sees she's crying and white as a sheet.

J sweetheart you okay? Malcolm asked

Jack just looked at him and broke down

J come here. Malcolm said

Jack moved closer and Malcolm pulled her close to him and just held her as she cried.  She calmed down

Sorry. Jack said

For what j you're allowed to break. Malcolm said

Not now I need to be strong. Jack said

J it's okay not to be it's been a rough few days. Malcolm said

A month. It's been a rough month since you almost died. We almost lost you. Jack cried

Jack felt like she was gonna be sick

She got up and walked into the bathroom and threw up. She stood up and felt a pain in her stomach and thought nothing of it and walked out of the bathroom.

J you okay? Malcolm asked

Yeah I'm fine m. Jack said

She thought he wasn't strong enough to know about her being pregnant since he just woke up from a coma.

Jack sat back down and held his hand

Later that afternoon.

Maya, AJ, and Prescott came to see Malcolm

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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