Chapter 1 

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Hello this is a new story that  I hope you will enjoy have a good day / night/ afternoon and enjoy-Hope Davis

Steves pov: it was 2 in the morning and I was asleep in my kitchen when the phone rang "ring ring" my phone rang loudly I pick it up knowing it must be one of the kids " hello Harrington household" I say sleepily "yeah hi this is Steve right" a unknown person says into the phone sounding like there about to cry "yeah it's Steve who is this and are you ok"I say even though I am still half asleep " it's me max I know it's really late and shit but I'm here with el,mike,Dustin,will, Erica,and Lucas we we're having nightmares so we decided it would be good to have a sleepover but it didn't help most of us are awake by most of us are awake I mean all of us but anyways can you come over and make us hot chocolate ugh I feel like such a baby asking you this but can you just come over you always seem to make us feel better" max rants I smile at the fact that she is finally asking for help and not just sticking to her self " sure I can come over but who's house are you at" I ask and I know it would be a bad idea to drive but I've done it before in a state like this so I should be fine right " mine and can you bring Eggos for el and hot-" max try's to say " Max I know what to bring I will be there in ten minutes" I say still about to fall asleep. I make myself a coffee and grab the snacks and take off to maxs house we're all of the kids are waiting

( at maxs house)

Eddie's pov: it is currently 2:17 am and I'm watching some show that's on the tv then there's a nock on the door " who would be nocking on my door at this time of night or is it morning" I mumble to my self " I open the door to see no other then Steve the king Harrington himself and he looks like he's going to pass out but why is he here with a tote bag " uh Harrington why are you here at this time " I ask" what oh sorry I meant to go to max's house sorry" Steve says " ok but why at this time and why do you got a bag with chips Eggos and hot chocolate" i ask " well max asked me to come over and bring snacks so I did" Steve answered " well come back in the morning I want to know why your even care about that kid" I ask " ok..." Steve says and takes a sip of what looks like coffee

Steves pov : well that was embarrassing walking to the guy across the streets house instead of the one you been to hundreds of times I go across the street and nock on maxs door the right door this time, Dustin jumps into my arms "it was so sad Steve everyone died you, Eddie, max, robin, mike ,will" Dustin says " hey hey hey kid it's ok it was just a dream and I'm here now" I say ,did he say eddie Munson are they friends now ( this is before season 4 and El did not lose her powers and the Byers did not move) " now can you let me come it inside" I ask "oh yeah yeah come in" Dustin says "thank you" I say I know i shouldn't but sometimes I pretend that they are the kid from the basement all 7 of us I'm including Gwen and me of course I guess what I'm saying is that I see what we could have been in them "why are you staring at us like that Steve" maxs asks " oh no reason" I say "go to sleep" I yell to kids

( in the morning)

Eddie's pov: why did I invite Steve Harrington over to my house I let out a loud sigh as he started walking over here "shit" I say under my breath

( a couple minutes later)
Still Eddie's pov: "welcome to my humble abode Stevie" I say "thank you" Steve says with a warm smile " first question why were you going to that kids house at 2 in the morning" I ask " um the kids asked me to come over so I could bring snacks they were having a sleepover"Steve said "wait they who else was there" I ask " umm just like Dustin Henderson, Mike Wheeler, Erica Singclare ( I don't know if that's how you even spell it) and her brother ,El- Jane hopper, Will Byers and that's it I think" Steve says " your friends with them" I ask in shock " yeah I babysit them basically" Steve said

Steve's pov: I'll be honest I do a bit more then babysitting them like I don't know like maybe KEEP THEM ALIVE but I can't tell Munson that like ever ( oh you will Stevie my boy) "oh yeah alright anyways" Eddie says awkwardly "yeah I just gonna go" I say "yeah that's probably for the best" Eddie replys I run home and flop on my bed expecting to be able to just ignore the world for the day obviously that's not happen "Steven Harrington" Robin says in my ear ,god I hate that name " yes robs" I say " get up we need to go to work today" robin says I sigh and get ready to go

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