Chapter 11

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Hello welcome to this chapter I hope you enjoy reading it love you all -Hope Davis

Finneys pov:

(The day griffin gets kidnapped)

I made plans with griffin to hang out at the park so we should be good considering that he got kidnapped on the way home from school and if the grabber just follows us I can just beat him up or something I mean I have power don't I and I have some ghosts on my side

(Time skip)

I was thinking about the future and kept coming to the same thing

'I miss robin'

I didn't understand Robin is alive I thought about how I loved Robin most of his life and the last 6 years of my life I missed him more then anything and I still miss him even though he's alive it doesn't make sense

Gwen notice

But of course she did she is so smart how could she not

(Finney and Gwen's conversation)

Me and Gwen were just sitting in the living room our dad want home she was talking to me

"Finney she is so stupid don't you think" Gwen says

I say nothing

"Finney?" Gwen questions

We got in to a argument

"It's like your not even Finney Blake it's like your a ghost or something" Gwen says

" a ghost?" I question

Gwen was right I do feel like a ghost I feel as dead as our mother I guess everything that happened over the years just kinda formed me into a different person and I'm in my past body and with people who didn't make it to the future but I am still the person who had to grieve for his best friend and I guess I still was saying as I still miss him even though I could walk to his house and see him right now

(Later with griffin)

"Hey griff you want to go to the park with me today" I ask

"SURE" griffin yells

I smile he will be fine no more then fine he will thrive i will make sure of it

(At the park)

I am freaking out I'm going to have to see that stupid van again and the man inside of it I'm not ready

Griffin and me were in the swings and griffin was talking about something but I wasn't  paying attention

"Finney are you even listening to me" griffin says

" I'm sorry I zoned out" I say

"Alright what's the matter" griffin asks

Was it really that obvious

"Nothing" I say

Griffin gives me a 'are you fucking serious' look

"Mhm sureee Finney" griffin says

Our conversation kept going on like this and I even forgot about the grabber for a second

Until he showed up

"H-hey griffin do you want to go to the grab in go with me" I ask

"Sure Finney but I don't have any money " griffin says

" that's fine I will pay" I say

" no Finney you don't have to do that" griffin says

" I know I don't have to but I want to" I say

We get up and start to walk to the grab in go

"Hey do you want to race" i ask

Griffin smiles

"Sure" griffon says

" on my count 1...2...3 GO" I yell

I let griffin get ahead he will win, he will live.

"Ha...ha...ha you win griff" I say

"YES" griffin yells

He's safe, 1 down 4 to go

We go in and get snacks, I notice that Vance hopper is not at his usual spot by the pinball machine

We sit on a bench and eat our ice creams that we got

"Thank you again Finney" griffin says

" you don't need ti thank me griffin don't worry" I say

"No really Finney thank you for everything" griffin says

I hug him and he hugs me

It should have been like this all along


I guess gwen is still mad at me because she's not taking to me which is just great (sarcasm)

So I leave to go to a place I found after my kidnapping i get there and just sit down my bag at my left and a book at my right my book was the outsiders by S. E. Hinton one of my favs I also love the movie that is to come out in like 2 years I can't wait that long

How am I going to save billy S.

I look to the side of me to see the one and only billy showalter asleep

It surprised me and I almost screamed but didn't

I sat there reading my book waiting for him to wake up so I could talk to him

(2 hours later)

Billy was waking up

I continue to read but I wasn't really reading I just kept reading the same thing over and over and over again

'Dally didn't die a hero he died violent, young and desperate just like we new he'd die someday just like Tim shepherd, and curly shepherd , and the brumly boys and any other guys we new would die someday I knew he would be dead 'cause dally Winston wanted to be dead and he always got what he wanted nobody would write editorials praising dally ti friend of mine died that night one a hero and the other a hoodlum'

That part reminds me of billy Hargrove and vance hopper

This book always makes me cry but I can't this time because my new or I guess soon to be friend is right there

He wake up and I still look at my book

"Hello" said billy

I flinch

"Sorry for scaring you" billy continues

"It's ok I'm Finney Blake" I say

"Billy showalter" billy says

"Hey aren't you the paper boy" I ask

"Yeah" billy says

"Cool" i say

"What are you reading?" billy asks

"The outsiders by S. E. Hinton" I say

" cool I love that book" billy says

Our conversation goes on for a while but eventually has to stop with me walking billy home

Thank you for reading this I hope you enjoyed have a great day/night/ afternoon love you all bye -Hope Davis

Word count ~ 1035

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