Chapter 7

978 21 14

"Glad we could figure that out." He said.

"Yep, that sure was a hassle" the informant said, forcing a laugh.

I stand there like an idiot. What is even supposed to happen next? Who cursed me this bad for me to end up in a situation like this?

"So, looks like that's enough entertainment for today" he says.

"So does that mean I get to go? Like, go home?" I asked that despite knowing exactly what his response would be.

He smirks.
What the-

"I think we both know the answer to that".

No shit, Sherlock.

He leads me out of the room while he locks the door from outside, locking the informant in, with him still tied to the chair, and i wait near the stairs.

I probably have like 10 ways to escape right now.
But is my brain gonna function when I need it to the most?

"So what happens now? Do I become some sort of leverage or- wait for that i would atleast need to be slightly significan-nevermind. Or do you just kill me or something? Come on, tell me what's gonna happen. I need to say my prayers and bestow my curses over some people if necessary. Hurry." I blabbered.

Goddamnit. Why do I talk so much.

He sighs. And reloads his gun. Again. For the millionth time.

Normally I would've called him out at this moment, but a person doesn't really resort to sarcasm when there's a gun pointed at your head.

"Walk to the car" he commands.

I do as he says. But I guess deep down my brain really wants me to die. Because I keep talking.


"So like aren't you afraid that literally ANYBODY could see you right now. With a gun in your hand. And an abducted woman. Wouldn't be a very pleasant sight to witness, now would it?"

This feels like a perfect moment where I should've tripped and fallen.
And died.

"I've got guards lining every damn exit of this place. No one would bat an eyelash if I were you shoot you right here."

That was a pretty- bookish line.

"So like, what's the point of the gun anyway. Like the whole "gun to your head" thing. Wouldn't I die if I escaped anyway?"

Shut up shut up shut up goddamnit-

He thinks for a moment. And lowers his gun.
"Damn you're actually kinda right".

Is it just me or does the walk to the car seem literally endless?

Edit : I know I took AGES to update this, I've been REALLY busy, sorry😭😭
Also I know the recent chapters have been short so I'll try my best to change that from now on.

𝐼𝑡'𝑠 𝐽𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑀𝑒 // Wi Ha Joon × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now