Chapter 2 - The Room of Requirement

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1891 - June

You got through your breakfast, with some small talk over your toast and egg with Sebastian. It was quite clear that he wasn't back to his usual charismatic self just yet.

"So tell me about these rooms" he says.

"Well I'm sure that the one we are going to after this meal won't be one you have been to before." You chomp down on your final piece of toast while he looks up and raises an eyebrow at you.

"Sounds interesting." He finishes the eggs on his plate and says "Well no time like the present - are you finished with your breakfast?"

"Yes - follow me" you say as you get up off the bench and head for the exit.

He follows you intently, going up the many stairs to get to the Seventh Floor corridor in the Astronomy Tower.

"Oh?" He pipes up as you stop in the middle of the corridor. "You think I haven't found this room yet?"

"I didn't say that as such. Sounds like you know about it" you looked at him for an answer.

"Well. I've heard about it. But I've not had it work well for me." He says, looking a bit defeated.

You begin your ritual to get the room opened. While walking in front of the door you proclaim "Well in any case, you definitely wouldn't have been in this version of this room." Once the door appears, Sebastian opens his mouth in shock.

"Don't leave your mouth open for too long otherwise you will be stuck that way!" You joked. "Come in - I want to show you this."

He follows you through the small corridor into your Room of Requirement. Looking up at the ceiling invoked an expression that you believe would have been comparable to what first years look like when they enter the Great Hall.

"Wow. Now this is amazing magic." He says "But I am a bit confused. Why do you have a Christmas Tree in here and it's June?"

"Oh I just really like Christmas. I've been able to decorate the room and I just wanted to see a Christmas tree every time I come into here" you replied. He looks over at the Vivariums.

"Wait? You have more rooms?" He asks while walking over to the main vivarium.

"Yes, there's four vivariums in here and I also have another room. We should go there." He turns to you in astonishment.

Before going to the next room, you quickly turn to Deek, the house elf. "Deek, do you mind if you could collect some snacks from the kitchens for us? Thank you"

"Oh certainly. Deek would be happy to do that" and he apparates away.

"Ok, let's go to the next room." You say, leading Sebastian down the stairs into the larger room.

"How long have you had this?!" He asks

"Professor Weasley helped me organise this a few months back. It's given me a place to grow plants and make potions but also relax a bit when things got too overwhelming." You say, thinking back to when Professor Fig died, you came here to collect your thoughts. "Please come and sit with me." You say to him, gesturing to some couches you have conjured. He sits next to you.

"Look, I have to admit, I haven't been as good of a friend as I should have been over the last few months." You look at his brown eyes, which are looking deeply into yours. "I want you to know that I'm here for you, and also this room is here for you too."

"You don't need to do that for me." He says, taking your hand and holding it. A weird spark of something jolts through your arm and down your spine as he touches you.

"Sebastian, I want to do that for you. We are both in a similar situation. You helped me out so much last year, please, let me return the favour." You looked at him, while you could see him thinking.

"Ok." He concedes. "There are quite a few bookshelves in here. I'd love to read the books. Maybe that's what I should do over the summer." He smiles.

"I'm unsure if the Room of Requirement will provide you with books to learn some unsanctioned spells, but you could always ask." You chuckle and you see the cheeky grin come over his face just like he did when you both were about to sneak into the Library's Restricted Section.

He looks at you again. Gripping your hand with both of his. "Thank you for thinking of me. I'm really lucky to have you here with me and as a friend." That weird jolt of electricity moves again from the touch.

You think to yourself 'I wonder if he felt that too?'

In the Shadow of Healing Heartbreak (Sebastian Sallow x Slytherin Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now