when i think iii 13 will come out + predictions

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i think iii episode 13 will come out in april
i do not want to be "that person" (aka the one who watches the newest episode that just came out and then immedietly gets impatient for the next one) but this is just my prediction of when the episode will come out. the newer episodes' release dates are 2 months away from eachother usually (ep 10 in october, ep 11 in december, and ep 12 in febuary) so if this pattern is consistent, the newer episode
Edit 6 hours later: BRO IT DELETED WHAT I SAID ABOUT WHEN THE NEWER EPISODE WOULD COME OUT THAT IS SO RUDE🤬🤬 anyways the newer episode would come out sometime in April because the month is two months awag

Unrelated to Inanimate Insanity, but it has been rumored that The Owl House finale, Watching and Dreaming, has been rumored to release in April of 2023.

My predictions:
I do not think Bot, Yin-Yang, or Cabby will be eliminated this episode.
Bot is having a character arc. Thry are finding out who they want to be and they don't really have beef with anyone... except for Cabby and Yin-Yang.
Speaking of Yin-Yang, I do not think they will be eliminated either because they are a fan favorite. They may be voted out if it is really nessicary but I doubt it.
I do not think Cabby will be eliminated because she is having a redemption arc. She realized that she could not replace Lightbulb to Paintbrush. She also realizes she relies on her files a little too much... Then again there is a whole alliance at her throat, so she could be voted out.

 Then again there is a whole alliance at her throat, so she could be voted out

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So we have this. According to the wiki (The Wiki is not a very accurate source sometimes but I'll take it) either Candle, Silver Spoon, Balloon, and Nickel would be eliminated.
I put the (?) next to YinYang's name because they took viewer voting away because it would be "too predictable", I feel like they could vote Yin-Yang even though I said they couldn't.
If you include the crossed out contestants, there is a 14% one of them will be eliminated.

I would not care if it was Balloon or Nickel ngl