Win the Ring

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As the time has been told. Marry and Luvend went to the big sale as they're waiting for it to start. To enter they must wear fancy clothes so Luvend lay a hand to help Marry with her dress. Wearing those dress makes her feel nostalgic. It feels like she's still a noble lady.

   The bid now start. Sadly the first item wasn't the ring it was a ruby necklace. Everyone fighting for it. Marry doesn't bother. She keep her attention to the ring.

   After about two hours and half of waiting the ring now finally showed. As everyone was bidding on the ring Marry waiting to the last person to gives the most bid. The last bid before Marry was 20 000$. Marry then bid 30 000$ for the ring. No one put the price higher than that. But than a noble woman bid 30 500$. Marry stare at the woman. Luvend understand what Marry say by those stare. They gives the woman win.

   The bid selection finally end. Luvend then follow the woman. The woman was alone. Luvend took the chance to kidnap her. They brought the woman to their place.

   Once the woman just open her eyes. Marry then ask the woman to exchange her life with the ring. But the woman doesn't want to since the ring just sent right to her mansion. Marry than stab the woman till death. Marry got a good idea. She then ask Luvend to keep the corpse until the woman family asking for her missing.

   One week has passed. The woman missing news was all around the town. Marry then told Luvend to throw the corpse at somewhere else.

   After that Marry when to the police station. She told she's find the woman. But she's now all corpse. She's dead. The family comes to take the corpse. They most tearing part is when the corpse doesn't have any organs anymore.

   Even tho the woman already a corpse, the family still reward Marry. But to think Marry still a little girl the decide to adopt Marry and makes her as the noble lady. Marry now knows as Lady LeVianda.

   Still Marry hasn't found the ring yet... 

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