Drunk at her home

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I wake up in a comfortable bed. Wait – where am I? My bed isn't like this! Holy shit, did I got kidnapped? Weird thought but, if someone would kidnap me, would they let me sleep in a comfortable bed, no one looking after me? I don't think so. So, why am I here, and WHERE IS HERE?

Should I stand up and look? Yes, I should. I mean, if someone kidnapped me and wants to kill me, they will do it, doesn't matter in now or in an hour. So, I'm gonna die or not.

Wow, it smells really good. In the kitchen stands a girl, I can only see her back because she stands looking to the oven, cooking. "Uhm... hello?" I ask cautiously and she turns around. HOLY SHIT. How can she be so pretty?

"Oh, you're awake. And, close your mouth, a fly might come in" she chuckles. I shake my head to get out of my stare.

"Who are you? Why am I here? Where is here?" I ask.

"Oh, I'm y/n. You're at my home. Yesterday, it was like, 12 pm, you rang my doorbell. You were completely drunk and, I guess, a little high too. You said something like 'Maria, let me in' and I was like 'who's Maria' you answered that I was Maria and after I let you in, you said, you have to work and if you could borrow my computer. Like 3 hours later you came to my bedroom and said 'You're not Maria!' Then you laid next to me in bed and asked if you could cuddle me" she explained.

I feel myself blushing. What happened then? Did I .... No, I don't wanna imagine this. But ... what if?

"Uhm ... did something ... other happen? You know,..." Y/n looks at me amused "Why do you think something other happened? Would you like to hear a yes?" she teases me.

I blush harder "No, ... I just... I mean, if I was drunk and high, nobody knows what happens!" "Ah, and you think, I would let you do what you want?" she teases me more and smiles, causing to make me even more blushing. I must be more red than a tomato.

"No, not... just..." I stutter awkwardly "I don't know" I give up. "It's ok!" she says. "you're Emma Myers right?" Nooo, that's so embarrassing!

"Shit! You know me?" I cringe from embarrassment. "Yes, of course I know you. Is it so bad?" she gives me a crooked smile. "Yes, of course is it bad!" I answer "Why?" "Oh, it's just embarrassing when the prettiest girl in the world sees you drunk and high to a time, she doesn't know you really!" I mumble to myself. "What did you say?" y/n grins

"Uhm, nothing! Tell me, is this your breakfast?" "What? Breakfast? No! Dear Emma, it's almost 1 pm! It's my lunch!" My eyes widen. "It's midday?"

She chuckles "Yeah, it is. I stood up at, like, 8 am and you were peacefully sleeping, so I decided to not wake you up. And because I think you needed the sleep. You really don't look like someone, who gets drunk and high every night, ya know?"

"Wait, you saw me sleeping?" That's the only thing I can think about. "Yep, but don't worry, not so long. Someone told me you can get blind if you look too long at a sleeping beauty" y/n smiles defiantly at me. I blush again and so much harder.

"Well, I have to go now, get my lil sis from nursery school. You can stay here, get to your home or come with me, your decision" she shrugs. Hm, I think I'm gonna go with her. She's so friendly. Maybe I can get to know her better. Would be nice!

"I think I'm gonna go with you, if this is ok for you?" I ask y/n.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask her when we are outside, on the way to y/n sisters nursery school. "Yeah, of course" she says "How old are you?" "I'm 18, why?"

"I just wanted to know. And your parents are at work?" "Kinda" she responds shortly.

"And you? Why were you drinking last night?" she asks me.

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