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Dear Diary,

When you visit a beach during sunset, your soul purpose is to admire its beauty. But next time when you visit one, just try to invest a few minutes into thinking about certain lessons that a regular looking beach gives you. First and the most important and the most common one is the sunset. It is said that "Sunsets are a proof that endings can be beautiful".  Whatever kind of a day it was for you, whether tough or easy, hardworking or lazy, every day has to end but it is important to take a lesson from every ending day. If it was a good day, thank yourself and the Almighty. If it was a bad day, appreciate yourself for not giving up and thank the Almighty for helping you to get through it. Second, the waves. If you observe the pattern of a wave, you'll see that it comes and it goes. Similarly, the challenges in our life come and go as the time passes. They never remain constant. Stay Happy and keeping having faith in yourself.

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