Chapter 3

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Valdis welcomed the warmth of the antique shop as they walked out of the cold November air before walking up to Abe who was standing behind the counter. "Abe, is Henry around? We need to call a meeting with everyone... it's important."

"I'll get him... Who's your friend?" Abe asked as he started walking towards the stairs.

"I'm her brother." Ingeras replied as he looked at the antiques around them with interest.

Abe gave her a confused look but she shook her head. "I'll explain when everyone gets here."

"How many are coming to help us?" Ingeras questioned as he picked up a small statue and gave it a closer examination.

"Three others once I call them." Valdis replied before taking out her cell phone, which had three missed calls, and dialing Adam's number.

"Valdis, where have you been?" Adam's voice spoke up barely after the first ring.

"Didn't you get the note?"

"That didn't tell me where."

She rolled her eyes a bit at the frustration in his voice. "I'll explain soon, just get to Abe's Antiques, something important has come up."

"You better." He paused and she could hear a car door shut. "I'm on my way."

Valdis ended the call and called Lucas while Henry, who had walked into the room with Abe, picked up the phone and called Jo. Adam arrived first about five minutes later and came in quietly, giving Ingeras an uncertain look before standing beside Valdis, opposite of Henry. Another two minutes and Lucas and Jo arrived and joined them in their small group.

"Care to explain why we're all gathered here?" Jo inquired before noticing Ingeras set down an old book and walk over. "Uh, who is that?"

"I am Ingeras the first, King of Transylvania." Ingeras gave her a small grin. "Or more simply put, Valdis' older brother."

"You're another vampire? Where were you two months ago?" Adam spoke up with his chilling voice.

Ingeras gave him an amused look, unfazed. "Her half brother. I guess I should also add that I am completely human but have just recently come back from beyond the grave to warn all of you."

"About what... exactly?" Henry asked as a hint of worry came across his features.

Ingeras turned to Valdis. "She was able to see more than I could ever as I am forbidden to go to the underworld but Master Vampire was the least of your worries... now you have to deal with the demon that created him."

They all turned to Valdis for an explanation and she paled at the memory. "The demon's name is Valac... I didn't see him but the guards thought I worked for him. I didn't go too far, I didn't want to, and I saw my father there... I think he saw me but he flew off into the flames and smoke."

The bell on the door rang and they looked up as a black haired man strutted in. "Well of course he flew away, he came to warn Valac of your presence... he has become very interested in you."

The hansom man smirked before pulling Valdis into an embrace where she stood uncomfortably while Adam glared daggers at him, which the man didn't fail to notice. Ingeras cleared his throat after a few seconds. "Who are you? You said you know Valac yet you don't look like a demon."

The man released Valdis and made his way to the center of their group where he took off his sunglasses to reveal red-orange pupils and gray-black eyes that complemented his raven black hair and pale complexion. "I am shocked brother... truly, I am. I would expect her to be oblivious to my existence but you? You held me when I first showed up... before Valac sent his men to take me."

Recognition flashed across Ingeras' features. "Vetis... we all thought you were dead."

"Surely not everyone." Vetis purred in his silky voice.

"The angels would not speak of what became of you."

Lucas raised his hand slightly to draw their attention. "Uh, yeah, what's going on here?"

Vetis gave a charming smile. "I came to help my dear sister... she doesn't have any idea what killing the first vampire has done to the afterlife rules."

"The dead don't stay dead, yeah, I understand that part." Valdis replied. "Why do I have to do something about it? Why does he want me?"

"Because you are the last vampire left, well second now that I'm here, the rest have managed to kill each other or be killed." He said the last part humorously.

"What happens if I do nothing?"

"His undead, soon to be reanimated people and vampires, will come and hunt you down... for eternity if necessary."

"What if she goes to him?" Ingeras asked. "Will she be safe?"

"She isn't going to go to a demon!" Adam hissed.

Vatis nodded. "The human is right, if our sister goes to him, Valac will kill her... painfully."

"How can we trust you?" Jo inquired with an arched eyebrow. "You were raised by underworld creatures."

Vetis went silent for a moment. "Because I'm not one of them. I never died, my heart wasn't pierced, that's why I grew up, why I'm not like them or under Valac's control like the other vampires. You wouldn't believe how long two hundred years of waiting to escape feels... I pray you never have to."

"So let me get this straight." Abe spoke up after being silent through the entire conversation. "The dead are coming back because the first vampire is dead and the only way to fix it is to have Valdis go to your world and face the demon?"

"It won't come to that." Ingeras replied confidently. "I can think of another way. Vetis, will you help?"

Vetis glanced at a woman as she stood outside the shop and looked at him. "Uh, sorry, can't. I have a date."

"What?" Valdis and Ingeras gave him an astonished look but it was Valdis who continued. "You just showed up, how can you already have a date?"

"Women love my mysterious personality, not to mention how hot I am." Vetis motioned to himself and his well-toned body that showed through his black shirt and pants. "Human women have no resistance to me... no one of the other gender does. Ha, I've had men pine for me... though I did turn them down."

"Great..." Ingeras groaned. "My brother is an arrogant halfling with no regard for anyone but himself and his love interests."


"Just go, I need to think of a plan." Ingeras began to pace the floor.

Vetis grinned and walked past Adam, leaning in quickly to whisper a few words of warning that to everyone else who had started talking in their groups again didn't notice. "Stay away from my sister, immortal. If you so much as look at her... I'll make sure you're never heard from again."

With that he walked out with a charming look on his face as he met with his date, Molly Dawes.

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