Chapter 16

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Valdis watched, as Master Vampire was lost in the fight between vampires and the giant ferocious wolves. She didn't know how she was going to get past all of the fighting without being seen, she wasn't even sure she had the strength. But she did know she had to try because if she didn't she would never see the others again or stop Valac. So Valdis stayed near the outskirts, in the shadows, using her new cloak to help her blend in with the now blood stained walls. A shriek of a dying vampire, a familiar dying vampire, forced her to turn back and half fly, half limp, over to where Master Vampire was in the jaws of the largest wolf, who rivaled Cerberus' height. Valdis knew she should run, leave him to die, but he had helped her survive here, she had to at least help him out now.

            The wolf howled in surprise as Valdis crashed into its neck and another as Master Vampire broke free, taking one large canine tooth with it. The wolf, Marchosias, snarled and shook Valdis off and she landed heavily on the ground where what healed ribs she had snapped. She felt Master Vampire force her back up and she staggered after him, noticing how much blood he now had running out of his own wounds along with the canine that was lodged in his heart.

            "Valdis! Hold on, I'm coming to help you!" She saw her brother take notice of her location and start fighting his way towards her before Master Vampire pulled her into the tunnels.

            "Now listen... very carefully." He wheezed. "I don't know if he intends to kill you... or not... But I'm n-not going to make it..."

            "I don't know the exact way out, I need you to show me." Valdis said, not sure if she could trust him that much either.

            "...I will guide you..." He began muttering words under his breath and soon after Valdis staggered back as she looked at a mirror image of herself.


            "First... vampire, I could only do... that once." He staggered out into sight before turning back to her. "Follow... us..."

            "I-I..." She trailed off, not sure if she was just too far-gone to understand what had happened or if she had finally gone insane.

            He hacked up blood and slumped to the ground before looking back at her. "...My name... call, me Ambrogio..."

            "A bit late to tell me your... real name."

            "Someone... should remember... m-me." His voice was fading and she almost walked back out to check on him until Vetis ran over thinking Master- no- Ambrogio, was her and helping him walk out into another part of the underworld.

            Valdis followed them as soon as they were a good distance away, she didn't know where her energy was coming from at this point, she felt like most of her skeleton was destroyed and almost all the blood in her body had been left in the Colosseum. Once her brother flew to increase his speed to escape and she almost crashed into flames a good distance below, she could guess more than several leagues down, and luckily wasn't heard as she collapsed onto the ground and panted as she tried to catch her breath. Lucky as in her brother didn't hear her, unfortunately, Vlad did. She was a bit ashamed that she had been so careless as to not check for anyone following her... not that she had much time to think about it before getting clawed across the throat and nearly kicked back into the flames.

            "Where's your dog to save you now?" Vlad mocked, taking out his sword and taking aim at her. "No answer? Good, at least I don't have to listen to your pathetic attempts to beg me for mercy."

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