💘☁️💜Now look who's Jealous

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This is a reader request! This request was made by @RexTedz thank you for your support!

Like my last one, there is going to be a lot of jealousy in this, but with a fun little twist

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Like my last one, there is going to be a lot of jealousy in this, but with a fun little twist. You and Sebastian both have already established you like each other but its nothing official, yet, and of course miscommunication ensues, enjoyyyy!


Rumors, you hated them more than anything. All you ever heard was "did you hear about that Ravenclaw girl?" Over and over again like an echoing in your mind. Why did you even feel that way, it's not like you had anything against her, or did you? Rumors, god the rumors get wilder and more unbeleuvablr with every passing hour "She has the hots for him!" And "I thought he was into Y/n? Is he dropping them for her?" It's all anyone was talking about. The more you heard the angrier you became. Did he really like that girl? Who was she? Wasn't her name Sarah? Or was it Amanda? Who cared at this point. Why did you care? Sebastian liked you right? He told you he did, you told him you fancied him, he reciprocated so what was going on.

You slammed your book down on the table of your Herbology class, gaining a glance from Sebastian and a startled expression from Ominis. "You alright? What happened to you?" Sebastian asked, raising a brow, you huffed a scowl was placed on your features "These idiotically dumb rumors, I mean who would believe them!? A Ravenclaw girl who fancies you is apparently trying to peruse you in your other classes and I'm livid!" He tensed up, "Those rumors aren't entirely correct, she has been trying to peruse me-", you snapped your head in his direction, "pardon?".

Ominis stepped in, "It's True yes, the girl won't leave him alone." You fumed even more not even letting him. "So you like her don't you? Of course you do who am I kidding. Should have known." You grabbed your book and walked to another table. They just let you, Sebastian looked bewildered and Ominis asked him what had happened. "What's wrong with them? Did something else happen today? You share more classes with Y/n than me." Ominis asked, "No this just started now, ever since Sarah started to flirt with me, I don't entertain it, you know I like Y/n, they know I like them! I don't know why they are assuming I just lost interest.".

You were seething in anger, you knew he must like her, I mean she was pretty, but you wanted to be with him, you had taken all that time getting to know him, developing feelings, confessing to each other. Unbeknownst to you, that same ravenclaw girl had waltzed into class, searching for Sebastian. The anger inside you had subsided, instead replaced by the feeling of loss, you rushed back to the table, grabbing on to Sebastian's arm, startling him. "I'd assume your anger has subsided." You shook your head, "No, still mad, just can't stand being away from you." His face became a little red, startled by your upfront direct response. But when he looked around he noticed Sarah had walked in, he was a little less enthused but he was just happy you weren't giving him the cold shoulder.

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